Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
Sarthak Chandra, Sugandha Sharma, Rishidev Chaudhuri & Ila Fiete. Episodic and associative memory from spatial scaffolds in the hippocampus. Nature (2025).
“Hippocampal circuits in the brain enable two distinct cognitive functions: the construction of spatial maps for …
Hongyu Chang, Wenbo Tang, Annabella M. Wulf, Thokozile Nyasulu, Madison E. Wolf, Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz & Azahara Oliva. Sleep microstructure organizes memory replay. Nature (2025).
“Recently acquired memories are reactivated in the hippocampus during sleep, an initial step …
Angelo Forli, Michael M. Yartsev. Understanding the neural basis of natural intelligence. Cell, 2024, Volume 187, Issue 21, 5833 – 5837
“Understanding the neural basis of natural intelligence necessitates a paradigm shift: from strict reductionism toward …
Gonzalez, K.C., Negrean, A., Liao, Z. et al. Synaptic basis of feature selectivity in hippocampal neurons. Nature (2024).
“A central question in neuroscience is how synaptic plasticity shapes the feature selectivity of neurons in behaving animals1. …
Jake F. Watson, Victor Vargas-Barroso, Rebecca J. Morse-Mora, Andrea Navas-Olive, Mojtaba R. Tavakoli, Johann G. Danzl, Matthias Tomschik, Karl Rössler, Peter Jonas. Human hippocampal CA3 uses specific functional connectivity rules for efficient associative memory. Cell, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.022
Clément Pouget, Flora Morier, Nadja Treiber, Pablo Fernández García, Nina Mazza, Run Zhang, Isaiah Reeves, Stephen Winston, Mark A. Brimble, Christina K. Kim, Gisella Vetere. Deconstruction of a memory engram reveals distinct ensembles recruited at learning. bioRxiv 2024.12.11.627894; doi: …
Wen, J.H., Sorscher, B., Aery Jones, E.A. et al. One-shot entorhinal maps enable flexible navigation in novel environments. Nature (2024).
“Animals must navigate changing environments to find food, shelter or mates. In mammals, grid cells in …
Chen, Shijie, Ning Cheng, Xiaojing Chen, and Cheng Wang. “Integration and competition between space and time in the hippocampus.” Neuron (2024).
“Episodic memory is organized in both spatial and temporal contexts. The hippocampus is crucial for episodic …
Zaki, Y., Pennington, Z.T., Morales-Rodriguez, D. et al. Offline ensemble co-reactivation links memories across days. Nature (2024).
“Memories are encoded in neural ensembles during learning1,2,3,4,5,6 and are stabilized by post-learning reactivation7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. Integrating recent experiences into existing memories …
Williamson, M.R., Kwon, W., Woo, J. et al. Learning-associated astrocyte ensembles regulate memory recall. Nature (2024).
“The physical manifestations of memory formation and recall are fundamental questions that remain unresolved1. At the cellular level, ensembles …
Aya Goldshtein, Xing Chen, Eran Amichai, Arjan Boonman, Lee Harten, Omer Yinon,Yotam Orchan, Ran Nathan, Sivan Toledo, Iain D. Couzin, Yossi Yovel. Acoustic cognitive map–based navigation in echolocating bats.Science 386,561-567(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adn6269
Editor’s summary
“Insectivorous bats are well known to use …
Dominique Siegenthaler, Henry Denny, Sofía Skromne Carrasco, Johanna Luise Mayer, Adrien Peyrache, Stuart Trenholm, Émilie Macé. Visual objects refine head direction coding. bioRxiv 2024.10.21.619417; doi:
“Animals use visual objects to guide navigation-related behaviors, from hunting prey, …
Li, Yiding, John J. Briguglio, Sandro Romani, Jeffrey C. Magee, Eddy Kinganda-Lusamaki, Adrienne Amuri-Aziza, Nicolas Fernandez-Nuñez et al. “Mechanisms of memory-supporting neuronal dynamics in hippocampal area CA3.” Cell 187 (2024): 2030-2051.
“Hippocampal CA3 is central to …
D. E. Dijksterhuis et al. ,Pronouns reactivate conceptual representations in human hippocampal neurons.Science 385,1478-1484(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adr2813
“During discourse comprehension, every new word adds to an evolving representation of meaning that accumulates over consecutive sentences and constrains the next words…
Yang, C., Mammen, L., Kim, B. et al. A population code for spatial representation in the zebrafish telencephalon. Nature (2024).
“Spatial learning in teleost fish requires an intact telencephalon1, a brain region that contains putative analogues to …
Ipshita Zutshi, Athina Apostolelli, Wannan Yang, Zheyang Zheng, Tora Dohi, Edoardo Balzani, Alex Williams, Cristina Savin, Gyorgy Buzsaki. Hippocampal neuronal activity is aligned with action plans. bioRxiv 2024.09.05.611533; doi:
“Neurons in the hippocampus are correlated with …
Leo Clement, Sebastian Schwarz, Antoine Wystrach. Latent learning without map-like representation of space in navigating ants. bioRxiv 2024.08.29.610243; doi:
“Desert ants are excellent navigators. Each individual learns long foraging routes meandering between the trees and bushes in …
Vilde A. Kveim et al. ,Divergent recruitment of developmentally defined neuronal ensembles supports memory dynamics.Science 385,eadk0997(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adk0997
Editor’s summary
“Memories are not fixed; they evolve after encoding and their content can be updated upon changes in external or …
Ayako Ouchi, Shigeyoshi Fujisawa ,Predictive grid coding in the medial entorhinal cortex.Science 385,776-784(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.ado4166
Editor’s summary
“Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex create a coordinate system of the environment for spatial navigation. However, it is not clear whether …
Jordan Carpenter, Jan Sigurd Blackstad, David Tingley, Valentin A. Normand, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser, Benjamin A. Dunn. Investigating egocentric tuning in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 13 August 2024, e0040242024; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0040-24.2024
“Navigation requires integrating …
Courellis, H.S., Minxha, J., Cardenas, A.R. et al. Abstract representations emerge in human hippocampal neurons during inference. Nature (2024).
“Humans have the remarkable cognitive capacity to rapidly adapt to changing environments. Central to this capacity …
Daniel D Kato, Randy M Bruno. Stability of cross-sensory input to primary somatosensory cortex across experience. bioRxiv 2024.08.07.607026; doi:
“Merging information from across sensory modalities is key to forming robust, disambiguated percepts of the world, …
Alexander Nitsch, Naomi de Haas, Mona M. Garvert, Christian F. Doeller. Integrating episodic and spatial context signals in the hippocampus. bioRxiv 2024.06.24.600445; doi:
“Episodic and spatial memory are the two key components of the mnemonic system …
Zhengang Lu, Joshua B. Julian, Geoffrey K. Aguirre, Russell A. Epstein. Neural compass in the human brain during naturalistic virtual navigation. bioRxiv 2024.04.18.590112; doi:
“Humans and animals maintain a consistent representation of their facing direction during spatial …
Patel RN, Roberts NS, Kempenaers J, Zadel A, Heinze S. Parallel vector memories in the brain of a bee as foundation for flexible navigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 Jul 23;121(30):e2402509121.
“Insects navigate by …
Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci 27, 1599–1608 (2024).
“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external …
Dubanet, O. and Higley, M.J., 2024. Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex. Cell Reports, 43(7).
“The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms supporting …
Horrocks, E.A.B., Rodrigues, F.R. & Saleem, A.B. Flexible neural population dynamics govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding in mouse visual cortex. Nat Commun 15, 6415 (2024).
“Time courses of neural responses underlie real-time sensory processing …
Irina Barnaveli, Simone Viganò, Daniel Reznik, Patrick Haggard, Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal-entorhinal cognitive maps and cortical motor system represent action plans and their outcomes. bioRxiv 2024.07.04.602119; doi:
“Efficiently interacting with the environment requires weighing and selecting among …
Dubanet, Olivier, and Michael J. Higley. “Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex.” Cell Reports 43.7 (2024).
“The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms …
Snyder, M.C., Qi, K.K. & Yartsev, M.M. Neural representation of human experimenters in the bat hippocampus. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Here we conducted wireless electrophysiological recording of hippocampal neurons from Egyptian fruit bats in the presence of human …
Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external sensory …
Martin Seeber, Matthias Stangl, Mauricio Vallejo, Uros Topalovic, Sonja Hiller, Casey H. Halpern, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Vikram R. Rao, Itzhak Fried, Dawn Eliashiv, Nanthia Suthana. Human neural dynamics of real-world and imagined navigation. bioRxiv 2024.05.23.595237; doi:
“The …
Bigus, E.R., Lee, HW., Bowler, J.C. et al. Medial entorhinal cortex mediates learning of context-dependent interval timing behavior. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Episodic memory requires encoding the temporal structure of experience and relies on brain circuits in …
Dan, Chuntao, Brad K. Hulse, Ramya Kappagantula, Vivek Jayaraman and Ann M. Hermundstad. “A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation.” Neuron (2024): DOI:
“Anchoring goals to spatial representations enables flexible navigation but is …
Neupane, S., Fiete, I. & Jazayeri, M. Mental navigation in the primate entorhinal cortex. Nature (2024).
“A cognitive map is a suitably structured representation that enables novel computations using previous experience; for example, planning a …
Jae-Hyun Kim, Kayvon Daie, Nuo Li. A combinatorial neural code for long-term motor memory. bioRxiv 2024.06.05.597627; doi:
“Motor skill repertoire can be stably retained over long periods, but the neural mechanism underlying stable memory storage remains …
Bo Zhang, Jia Liu. The spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation. bioRxiv 2022.01.29.478346; doi:
“To achieve the computational goal of navigating in both physical and mental spaces, human brain employs a cognitive map constructed by …
Ling L. Dong, and Ila R. Fiete. Grid Cells in Cognition: Mechanisms and Function. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2024. 47:345–68.
“The activity patterns of grid cells form distinctively regular triangular lattices over the explored spatial environment and are …
Fenton, A.A. Remapping revisited: how the hippocampus represents different spaces. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. (2024).
“The representation of distinct spaces by hippocampal place cells has been linked to changes in their place fields (the locations in the …
Daniel Casanueva-Morato, Alvaro Ayuso-Martinez, Giacomo Indiveri, J P Dominguez-Morales,Gabriel Jimenez-Moreno. A bio-inspired hardware implementation of an analog spike-based hippocampus memory model. TechRxiv. April 03, 2024. DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.171216721.14143739/v1
“The need for processing at the edge the increasing amount of …
Wannan Yang, Chen Sun, Roman Huszár, Thomas Hainmueller, Kirill Kiselev, György Buzsáki. “Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripple.” Science 383, 1478-1483 (2024).
“Experiences need to be tagged during learning for further …
Selmaan N. Chettih,Emily L. Mackevicius,Stephanie Hale,Dmitriy Aronov. Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of a food-caching bird. Cell, March 29, 2024. DOI:
“The hippocampus is critical for episodic memory. Although hippocampal activity represents place and …
Cheng, Ning, Qiqi Dong, Zhen Zhang, Li Wang, Xiaojing Chen, and Cheng Wang. “Egocentric processing of items in spines, dendrites, and somas in the retrosplenial cortex.” Neuron (2023).
“Egocentric representations of external items are essential for spatial …
Malone, T.J., Tien, NW., Ma, Y. et al. A consistent map in the medial entorhinal cortex supports spatial memory. Nat Commun 15, 1457 (2024).
“The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) is hypothesized to function as a …
Cheng, Han Yin, Dorothy W. Overington, and Kate J. Jeffery. “A configural context signal simultaneously but separably drives positioning and orientation of hippocampal place fields.” Hippocampus 34.2 (2024): 73-87.
“Effective self-localization requires that the brain can …
Kunz, L., Staresina, B.P., Reinacher, P.C. et al. Ripple-locked coactivity of stimulus-specific neurons and human associative memory. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Associative memory enables the encoding and retrieval of relations between different stimuli. To better understand its neural …
Mussells Pires, P., Zhang, L., Parache, V. et al. Converting an allocentric goal into an egocentric steering signal. Nature (2024).
“Neuronal signals that are relevant for spatial navigation have been described in many species1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. However, a circuit-level …
Nitsch, A., Garvert, M.M., Bellmund, J.L.S. et al. Grid-like entorhinal representation of an abstract value space during prospective decision making. Nat Commun 15, 1198 (2024).
“How valuable a choice option is often changes over time, …
Hainmueller, T., Cazala, A., Huang, LW. et al. Subfield-specific interneuron circuits govern the hippocampal response to novelty in male mice. Nat Commun 15, 714 (2024).
“The hippocampus is the brain’s center for episodic memories. Its subregions, the …
Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
New discovery worth spreading on brain-inspired navigation in neurorobotics and neuroscience