Li, Yiding, John J. Briguglio, Sandro Romani, Jeffrey C. Magee, Eddy Kinganda-Lusamaki, Adrienne Amuri-Aziza, Nicolas Fernandez-Nuñez et al. “Mechanisms of memory-supporting neuronal dynamics in hippocampal area CA3.” Cell 187 (2024): 2030-2051.
“Hippocampal CA3 is central to …
D. E. Dijksterhuis et al. ,Pronouns reactivate conceptual representations in human hippocampal neurons.Science 385,1478-1484(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adr2813
“During discourse comprehension, every new word adds to an evolving representation of meaning that accumulates over consecutive sentences and constrains the next words…
Vilde A. Kveim et al. ,Divergent recruitment of developmentally defined neuronal ensembles supports memory dynamics.Science 385,eadk0997(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adk0997
Editor’s summary
“Memories are not fixed; they evolve after encoding and their content can be updated upon changes in external or …
Ayako Ouchi, Shigeyoshi Fujisawa ,Predictive grid coding in the medial entorhinal cortex.Science 385,776-784(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.ado4166
Editor’s summary
“Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex create a coordinate system of the environment for spatial navigation. However, it is not clear whether …
Courellis, H.S., Minxha, J., Cardenas, A.R. et al. Abstract representations emerge in human hippocampal neurons during inference. Nature (2024).
“Humans have the remarkable cognitive capacity to rapidly adapt to changing environments. Central to this capacity …
Alexander Nitsch, Naomi de Haas, Mona M. Garvert, Christian F. Doeller. Integrating episodic and spatial context signals in the hippocampus. bioRxiv 2024.06.24.600445; doi:
“Episodic and spatial memory are the two key components of the mnemonic system …
Irina Barnaveli, Simone Viganò, Daniel Reznik, Patrick Haggard, Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal-entorhinal cognitive maps and cortical motor system represent action plans and their outcomes. bioRxiv 2024.07.04.602119; doi:
“Efficiently interacting with the environment requires weighing and selecting among …
Snyder, M.C., Qi, K.K. & Yartsev, M.M. Neural representation of human experimenters in the bat hippocampus. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Here we conducted wireless electrophysiological recording of hippocampal neurons from Egyptian fruit bats in the presence of human …
Fenton, A.A. Remapping revisited: how the hippocampus represents different spaces. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. (2024).
“The representation of distinct spaces by hippocampal place cells has been linked to changes in their place fields (the locations in the …
Malone, T.J., Tien, NW., Ma, Y. et al. A consistent map in the medial entorhinal cortex supports spatial memory. Nat Commun 15, 1457 (2024).
“The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) is hypothesized to function as a …
Cheng, Han Yin, Dorothy W. Overington, and Kate J. Jeffery. “A configural context signal simultaneously but separably drives positioning and orientation of hippocampal place fields.” Hippocampus 34.2 (2024): 73-87.
“Effective self-localization requires that the brain can …
Chongxi Lai et al., Volitional activation of remote place representations with a hippocampal brain–machine interface. Science382,566-573(2023).DOI:10.1126/science.adh5206
“The hippocampus holds a model of the environment that can be mentally traversed during recall or simulation. …
Forli, A., Yartsev, M.M. Hippocampal representation during collective spatial behaviour in bats. Nature (2023).
“Social animals live and move through spaces shaped by the presence, motion and sensory cues of multiple other individuals1,2,3,4,5,6. Neural activity …
Sepiedeh Keshavarzi, Mateo Velez-Fort, and Troy W. Margrie. Cortical Integration of Vestibular and Visual Cues for Navigation, Visual Processing, and Perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 46:301-320, July 2023.
“Despite increasing evidence of its involvement in several …
Kathryn N. Graves, Ariadne Letrou, Tyler E. Gray, Imran H. Quraishi, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne. Hippocampal Codes for Real-World Human Navigation. bioRxiv 2023.06.22.545396; doi:
“As animals move through the world, the hippocampus represents their location, direction, and speed…
Yue-Qing Zhou, Vyash Puliyadi, Xiaojing Chen, Joonhee Leo Lee, Lan-Yuan Zhang, James J. Knierim. Conjunctive vector coding and place coding in hippocampus share a common directional signal. bioRxiv 2023.06.02.543340; doi:
“Vector coding is becoming increasingly understood …
Han Yin Cheng, Dorothy WU Overington, Kate J Jeffery. Three separable roles for context in breaking environmental symmetries for place cells. bioRxiv 2023.05.28.542182; doi:
“We investigated how place cells resolve spatial ambiguities, such as identical compartments …
Jordan Crivelli-Decker, Alex Clarke, Seongmin A. Park, Derek J. Huffman, Erie D. Boorman & Charan Ranganath. Goal-oriented representations in the human hippocampus during planning and navigation. Nat Commun 14, 2946 (2023).
“Recent work in cognitive and systems …
Yanjun Sun, Douglas A Nitz, Xiangmin Xu, Lisa M Giocomo. The subiculum encodes environmental geometry. bioRxiv 2023.05.07.539721; doi:
“Corners are a cardinal feature of many of the complex environmental geometries found in the natural world but …
Anne Nagelhus, Sebastian O. Andersson, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser. Object-centered population coding in CA1 of the hippocampus. Neuron 111, 1–14, 2023.
“Objects and landmarks are crucial for guiding navigation and must be integrated …
Mona M. Garvert, Tankred Saanum, Eric Schulz, Nicolas W. Schuck & Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization. Nat Neurosci (2023).
“The brain forms cognitive maps of relational knowledge—an organizing principle thought to underlie …
Wenbo Tang, Justin D. Shin, Shantanu P. Jadhav. Geometric transformation of cognitive maps for generalization across hippocampal-prefrontal circuits. Cell Reports 42, 112246, March 28, 2023.
“The ability to abstract information to guide decisions during navigation across changing …
Teixeira De Almeida, M., Faulmann, I., Seeber, M., Gschwend, K., Maurer, R., & Burra, N. 2023. Electrophysiological correlates of distance and direction processing during cognitive map retrieval: A source analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17, 42.
“The aim …
Benjamin J Griffiths, Thomas Schreiner, Julia Schaefer, Christian Vollmar, Elisabeth Kaufmann, Stefanie Quach, Jan Remi, Soheyl Noachtar, Tobias Staudigl. Electrophysiological signatures of veridical head direction in humans. bioRxiv 2023.01.26.525724; doi:
“Information about heading direction is critical for …
Thomas Schreiner, Benjamin J. Griffiths, Merve Kutlu, Christian Vollmar, Elisabeth Kaufmann, Stefanie Quach, Jan Remi, Soheyl Noachtar, Tobias Staudigl. Memory reactivation of real-world spatial orientation revealed by human electrophysiology. bioRxiv 2023.01.27.525854; doi:
“Spatial navigation and memory …
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“Birds travel long distances and navigate in …
Eleonora Lomi, Kate Jeffery, Anna Mitchell. Convergence of direction, location and theta in the rat anteroventral thalamic nucleus. bioRxiv 2023.01.11.523585; doi:
“Retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is a cortical region that computes heading direction from landmark information, but …
Jake Ormond, Simon A. Serka, Joshua P. Johansen. Enhanced reactivation of remapping place cells during aversive learning. Journal of Neuroscience 3 January 2023, JN-RM-1450-22; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1450-22.2022
“Study of the hippocampal place cell system has greatly enhanced our …
David B. Omer, Liora Las & Nachum Ulanovsky. Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus. Nat Neurosci (2022).
“Navigation and episodic memory depend critically on representing temporal sequences. Hippocampal ‘time cells’ form …
Huanqiu Zhang, P. Dylan Rich, Albert K. Lee & Tatyana O. Sharpee. Hippocampal spatial representations exhibit a hyperbolic geometry that expands with experience. Nat Neurosci (2022).
“Daily experience suggests that we perceive distances near us linearly. …
Ikhwan Bin Khalid, Eric T. Reifenstein, Naomi Auer, Lukas Kunz, Richard Kempter. Quantitative modeling of the emergence of macroscopic grid-like representations. bioRxiv 2022.12.20.521210; doi:
“Grid cells are neurons in the entorhinal cortex that play a key …
HaoRan Chang, Ingrid M. Esteves, Adam R. Neumann, Majid H. Mohajerani, Bruce L. McNaughton. Cortical Reactivation of Non-Spatial and Spatial Memory Representations Coordinate with Hippocampus to Form a Memory Dialogue. bioRxiv 2022.12.16.520658; doi:
“Episodic memory depends on …
Yvette E. Fisher, Michael Marquis, Isabel D’Alessandro& Rachel I. Wilson. Dopamine promotes head direction plasticity during orienting movements. Nature (2022).
“In neural networks that store information in their connection weights, there is a tradeoff between sensitivity …
Lukas Kunz, Bernhard P Staresina, Peter C Reinacher, Armin Brandt, Tim A Guth, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Joshua Jacobs. Ripple-locked coactivity of stimulus-specific neurons supports human associative memory. bioRxiv 2022.10.17.512635; doi:
“Associative memory is the ability to encode …
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“By investigating the topology of neuronal co-activity, we found that mnemonic information spans multiple operational …
Isabella C Wagner, Luise Graichen, Boryana Todorova, Andre Luettig, David Omer, Matthias Stangl, Claus Lamm. Entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space. bioRxiv 2022.10.08.511403; doi:
“Navigating through crowded, dynamically changing social environments …
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“Despite the importance …
Rui Cao, John H. Bladon, Stephen J. Charczynski, Michael E. Hasselmo, Marc W. Howard. Internally Generated Time in the Rodent Hippocampus is Logarithmically Compressed. bioRxiv 2021.10.25.465750; doi:
“The Weber-Fechner law proposes that our perceived sensory input increases …
Maryam Najafian Jazi, Adrian Tymorek, Ting Yung Yen, Felix Jose Kavarayil, Moritz Stingl, Sherman Richard Chau, Benay Baskurt, Celia Garcia Vilela, Kevin Allen. Hippocampal firing fields anchored to a moving object predict homing direction during path-integration-based behavior. bioRxiv 2022.09.30.510268; doi: …
Samborska, V., Butler, J.L., Walton, M.E. et al. Complementary task representations in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex for generalizing the structure of problems. Nat Neurosci (2022).
“Humans and other animals effortlessly generalize prior knowledge to solve novel …
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“Learning and interpreting the structure of the environment is an innate feature of biological systems, and is integral to guiding …
Ryan E Harvey, Heath L Robinson, Can Liu, Azahara Oliva, Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz. Hippocampo-cortical circuits for selective memory encoding, routing, and replay. bioRxiv 2022.09.25.509420; doi:
“Traditionally considered a homogeneous cell type, hippocampal pyramidal cells have been recently shown …
Kadjita Asumbisa, Adrien Peyrache & Stuart Trenholm. Flexible cue anchoring strategies enable stable head direction coding in both sighted and blind animals. Nat Commun 13, 5483 (2022).
“Vision plays a crucial role in instructing the brain’s …
Timothy J Tyree, Michael Metke, Cory T Miller. Cross-Modal Representation of Identity in Primate Hippocampus. bioRxiv 2022.09.12.507611; doi:
“Faces and voices are the dominant social signals used to recognize individuals amongst human and nonhuman primates 1–5. Yet, …
Alexander J. Billig, Meher Lad, William Sedley, Timothy D. Griffiths. The hearing hippocampus. Progress in Neurobiology, Volume 218, 2022, 102326.
“The hippocampus has a well-established role in spatial and episodic memory but a broader function has been …
Adam M. P. Miller, Alex D. Jacob, Adam I. Ramsaran, Mitchell L. De Snoo, Sheena A. Josselyn, Paul W. Frankland. Evolution of predictive memory in the hippocampus. bioRxiv 2022.09.08.507204; doi:
“The brain organizes experiences into memories that …
Xiaochen Y. Zheng, Martin N. Hebart, Raymond J. Dolan, Christian F. Doeller, Roshan Cools, Mona M. Garvert. Parallel cognitive maps for short-term statistical and long-term semantic relationships in the hippocampal formation. bioRxiv 2022.08.29.505742; doi:
“The hippocampal-entorhinal …
Adi Doron, Alon Rubin, Aviya Benmelech-Chovav, Netai Benaim, Tom Carmi, Ron Refaeli, Nechama Novick, Tirzah Kreisel, Yaniv Ziv & Inbal Goshen. Hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location. Nature (2022).
“Astrocytic calcium dynamics has been implicated in the encoding …
Ayelet Sarel, Shaked Palgi, Dan Blum, Johnatan Aljadeff, Liora Las & Nachum Ulanovsky. Natural switches in behaviour rapidly modulate hippocampal coding. Nature (2022).
“Throughout their daily lives, animals and humans often switch between different behaviours. …
Marie-Sophie H van der Goes, Jakob Voigts, Jonathan P Newman, Enrique H S Toloza, Norma J Brown, Pranav Murugan, Mark T Harnett. Coordinated Head Direction Representations in Mouse Anterodorsal Thalamic Nucleus and Retrosplenial Cortex. bioRxiv 2022.08.20.504604; doi:
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