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“Hippocampal circuits in the brain enable two distinct cognitive functions: the construction of spatial maps for …
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“Hippocampal CA3 is central to …
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“Experiences need to be tagged during learning for further …
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“Hippocampal area CA3 is thought to play a central role in memory formation and …
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“The ability to abstract information to guide decisions during navigation across changing …
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“The hippocampus plays a central role in episodic memory and spatial navigation. Hippocampal neurons form unique representational …
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“The hippocampus is thought to combine “what” and “where” information from the cortex so that objects and events can …
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“Decision-making requires flexibility to rapidly switch sensorimotor …
Brad E. Pfeiffer. Spatial learning drives rapid goal representation in hippocampal ripples without place field accumulation or goal-oriented theta sequences. Journal of Neuroscience 8 April 2022, JN-RM-2479-21; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2479-21.2022
“The hippocampus is critical for rapid acquisition of …
Wenbo Tang and Shantanu P. Jadhav. Multiple-Timescale Representations of Space: Linking Memory to Navigation. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Vol. 45:- (Volume publication date July 2022). Review in Advance first posted online on December 22, 2021. (Changes may still …
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“Why is it that the same neural system is so intimately involved in aspects …
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“The behavioral strategies that mammals use to learn multi-step routes in natural …
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“While memories are often thought of as flashbacks to a previous experience, they do not …
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“The hippocampus is crucial for spatial learning …
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“Adaptive memory requires the …
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Philip Shamash, Sarah F. Olesen, Panagiota Iordanidou, Dario Campagner, Banerjee Nabhojit, Tiago Branco. Mice learn multi-step routes by memorizing subgoal locations. bioRxiv 2020.08.19.256867; doi:
“Animals must rapidly gather spatial information about new environments so that they …
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“Here, we report a new network of brain areas bridging the spatial-memory and scene-perception …
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“A recent proposal posits that humans might use the …
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“The ability to form memory is an essential trait that allows learning and the accumulation …
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Environmental boundaries anchor cognitive maps that support memory. However, trapezoidal boundary geometry distorts the regular firing …
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“A theory and model of spatial coordinate transforms in the dorsal …
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“How do neurons encode …
1. ‘Bat-nav’ reveals how the brain tracks other animals
By Alison Abbott, published on the Nature News in Jan 12, 2018
The following lectures are presented in the NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM : BRAIN MECHANISMS OF NAVIGATION IN PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE SPACES at Central European University in August 31, 2017.
This is a special symposium with four outstanding scientist (three Nobel laureates and one Brain Prize winner) …
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