Category: Visual Cortex

How neural population dynamics flexibly adapt during different behavioural states to govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding?

Horrocks, E.A.B., Rodrigues, F.R. & Saleem, A.B. Flexible neural population dynamics govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding in mouse visual cortex. Nat Commun 15, 6415 (2024).

“Time courses of neural responses underlie real-time sensory processing …

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How the Brain Learn the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data?

Yanbo Lian, Simon Williams, Andrew S. Alexander, Michael E. Hasselmo, Anthony N. Burkitt. Learning the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data. Journal of Neuroscience 12 July 2023, 43 (28) 5180-5190; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1071-22.2023

The use

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How Flies See Motion?

Alexander Borst and Lukas N. Groschner. How Flies See Motion. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 46:17-37, 2023.

How neurons detect the direction of motion is a prime example of neural computation: Motion vision is found in the …

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How the cortical circuits integrate vestibular and visual cues for navigation, visual processing, and perception?

Sepiedeh Keshavarzi, Mateo Velez-Fort, and Troy W. Margrie. Cortical Integration of Vestibular and Visual Cues for Navigation, Visual Processing, and Perception. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 46:301-320, July 2023.

“Despite increasing evidence of its involvement in several …

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How rodent visual and spatial systems interact during navigation?

Saleem, A.B., Busse, L. Interactions between rodent visual and spatial systems during navigation. Nat Rev Neurosci (2023).

“Many behaviours that are critical for animals to survive and thrive rely on spatial navigation. Spatial navigation, in turn, relies

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How can 3D head orienting movements be encoded in the primary visual cortex?

Grigori Guitchounts, Javier Masís, Steffen B.E. Wolff, David Cox. Encoding of 3D Head Orienting Movements in the Primary Visual Cortex. Neuron, August 11, 2020, DOI:

Animals actively sample the sensory world by generating complex patterns of movement

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