Tag: Spatial Representation

How zebrafish place cells integrate multiple sources of information and flexibly remap to form distinct spatial maps?

Yang, C., Mammen, L., Kim, B. et al. A population code for spatial representation in the zebrafish telencephalon. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07867-2

“Spatial learning in teleost fish requires an intact telencephalon1, a brain region that contains putative analogues to …

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Howretrohippocampal neurons encode location through ramping activity?

Tennant, Sarah A., Harry Clark, Ian Hawes, Wing Kin Tam, Junji Hua, Wannan Yang, Klara Z. Gerlei, Emma R. Wood, and Matthew F. Nolan. “Spatial representation by ramping activity of neurons in the retrohippocampal cortex.” Current Biology, September

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How can a joint spatiotemporal phase code implement the combined neural representation of space and time in the human entorhinal cortex?

Nadasdy, Z., Howell, D., Török, Á., Nguyen, T. P., Shen, J. Y., Briggs, D. E., Modur, P. N., & Buchanan, R. J. (2022). Phase coding of spatial representations in the human entorhinal cortexScience advances8(18), eabm6081. …

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How does the brain encode angular and linear velocity?

Davide Spalla, Alessandro Treves, Charlotte N. Boccara. Angular and Linear Speed Cells in the Parahippocampal Circuits. bioRxiv 2021.01.28.428631; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.01.28.428631

An essential role of the hippocampal region is to integrate information to compute and update representations. …

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How an allocentric representation of surrounding visual space can be constructed and stored by the dorsal visual path?

Li, Tianyi, Angelo Arleo, and Denis Sheynikhovich. “A model of a panoramic visual representation in the dorsal visual pathway: the case of spatial reorientation and memory-based search.” bioRxiv (2019): 827667.

Primates are primarily visual animals and …

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How landmark and self-motion cues combine during navigation to generate spatial representations?

The excerpt note is about how combine landmark and self-motion cues for navigation from Campbell et al., 2018.

Campbell, Malcolm G., Samuel A. Ocko, Caitlin S. Mallory, Isabel I. C. Low, Surya Ganguli & Lisa M. Giocomo. Principles governing the

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Path Integration in a Continuous Attractor Network Model

The excerpt note is about path integration with continuous attractor network according to McNaughton B. L., et al., 2006.

McNaughton, Bruce L., Francesco P. Battaglia, Ole Jensen, Edvard I. Moser, and May-Britt Moser. “Path integration and the neural basis

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