Tag: Navigation

What’s the mechanism of spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation?

Bo Zhang, Jia Liu. The spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation. bioRxiv 2022.01.29.478346; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.29.478346

“To achieve the computational goal of navigating in both physical and mental spaces, human brain employs a cognitive map constructed by …

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How grid cells perform path integration in multiple reference frames during self-motion-based navigation?

Jing-Jie Peng, Beate Throm, Maryam Najafian Jazi, Ting-Yun Yen, Hannah Monyer, Kevin Allen. Grid cells perform path integration in multiple reference frames during self-motion-based navigation. bioRxiv 2023.12.21.572857; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.21.572857

“With their periodic firing pattern, grid cells are considered

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How Do Neural Networks Work for Navigation: From Connections to Computations?

Rachel I. Wilson. Neural Networks for Navigation: From Connections to Computations. Annual Review of Neuroscience Vol. 46:403-423 (Volume publication date July 2023) https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-neuro-110920-032645

Many animals can navigate toward a goal they cannot see based on an internal

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How rodent visual and spatial systems interact during navigation?

Saleem, A.B., Busse, L. Interactions between rodent visual and spatial systems during navigation. Nat Rev Neurosci (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41583-023-00716-7

“Many behaviours that are critical for animals to survive and thrive rely on spatial navigation. Spatial navigation, in turn, relies

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How the hippocampus supports real-world navigation in humans?

Kathryn N. Graves, Ariadne Letrou, Tyler E. Gray, Imran H. Quraishi, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne. Hippocampal Codes for Real-World Human Navigation. bioRxiv 2023.06.22.545396; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.22.545396

“As animals move through the world, the hippocampus represents their location, direction, and speed

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Are grid cells used for navigation? On local metrics, subjective spaces, and black holes

Ginosar, Gily, Johnatan Aljadeff, Liora Las, Dori Derdikman, and Nachum Ulanovsky. “Are grid cells used for navigation? On local metrics, subjective spaces, and black holes.” Neuron (2023).

“The symmetric, lattice-like spatial pattern of grid-cell activity is thought …

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How contextual and goal information are incorporated in the construction and execution of navigational plans in the human hippocampus?

Jordan Crivelli-Decker, Alex Clarke, Seongmin A. Park, Derek J. Huffman, Erie D. Boorman & Charan Ranganath. Goal-oriented representations in the human hippocampus during planning and navigation. Nat Commun 14, 2946 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-35967-6

“Recent work in cognitive and systems …

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