Salles, Angeles, Melville J. Wohlgemuth, and Cynthia F. Moss. “Neural coding of 3D spatial location, orientation, and action selection in echolocating bats.” Trends in Neurosciences (2022).
“Echolocating bats are among the only mammals capable of powered flight, …
Henrik Lindén, Peter C. Petersen, Mikkel Vestergaard & Rune W. Berg. Movement is governed by rotational neural dynamics in spinal motor networks. Nature (2022).
“Although the generation of movements is a fundamental function of the nervous …
Caitlin S. Mallory, Kiah Hardcastle, Malcolm G. Campbell, Alexander Attinger, Isabel I. C. Low, Jennifer L. Raymond & Lisa M. Giocomo. Mouse entorhinal cortex encodes a diverse repertoire of self-motion signals. Nat Commun 12, 671 (2021).
“Neural …
Jacob M.Olson, Jamie K.Li, Sarah E.Montgomery, Douglas A.Nitz. Secondary Motor Cortex Transforms Spatial Information into Planned Action during Navigation. Current Biology, Volume 30, Issue 10, 18 May 2020, Pages 1845-1854.e4
“Fluid navigation requires constant updating of planned …
Grigori Guitchounts, Javier Masís, Steffen B.E. Wolff, David Cox. Encoding of 3D Head Orienting Movements in the Primary Visual Cortex. Neuron, August 11, 2020, DOI:
“Animals actively sample the sensory world by generating complex patterns of movement …
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