Aya Goldshtein, Xing Chen, Eran Amichai, Arjan Boonman, Lee Harten, Omer Yinon,Yotam Orchan, Ran Nathan, Sivan Toledo, Iain D. Couzin, Yossi Yovel. Acoustic cognitive map–based navigation in echolocating bats.Science 386,561-567(2024).DOI:10.1126/science.adn6269
Editor’s summary
“Insectivorous bats are well known to use …
Mona M. Garvert, Tankred Saanum, Eric Schulz, Nicolas W. Schuck & Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal spatio-predictive cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization. Nat Neurosci (2023).
“The brain forms cognitive maps of relational knowledge—an organizing principle thought to underlie …
Teixeira De Almeida, M., Faulmann, I., Seeber, M., Gschwend, K., Maurer, R., & Burra, N. 2023. Electrophysiological correlates of distance and direction processing during cognitive map retrieval: A source analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17, 42.
“The aim …
Whittington, J.C.R., McCaffary, D., Bakermans, J.J.W. et al. How to build a cognitive map. Nat Neurosci (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-022-01153-y
“Learning and interpreting the structure of the environment is an innate feature of biological systems, and is integral to guiding …
Mona M. Garvert, Tankred Saanum, Eric Schulz, Nicolas W. Schuck, Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal spatio-temporal cognitive maps adaptively guide reward generalization. bioRxiv 2021.10.22.465012; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.10.22.465012
“The brain forms cognitive maps of relational knowledge, an organizing principle thought …
James C.R. Whittington, David McCaffary, Jacob J.W. Bakermans, Timothy E.J. Behrens. How to build a cognitive map: insights from models of the hippocampal formation. arXiv:2202.01682 [q-bio.NC], 2022.
“Learning and interpreting the structure of the environment is an innate …
Kauê Machado Costa, Robert Scholz, Kevin Lloyd, Perla Moreno-Castilla, Matthew P.H. Gardner, Peter Dayan, Geoffrey Schoenbaum. The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in creating cognitive maps. bioRxiv 2022.01.25.477716
“We use internal models of the external world to …
Lee Harten, Amitay Katz1, Aya Goldshtein, Michal Handel, Yossi Yovel. The ontogeny of a mammalian cognitive map in the real world
SCIENCE 10 JUL 2020 : 194-197
“How animals navigate over large-scale environments remains a riddle. Specifically, …
Bellmund, J.L.S., de Cothi, W., Ruiter, T.A. et al. Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory. Nat Hum Behav (2019) doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0767-3
Environmental boundaries anchor cognitive maps that support memory. However, trapezoidal boundary geometry distorts the regular firing …
Hamburger, K. and Knauff, M. (2019), Odors Can Serve as Landmarks in Human Wayfinding. Cogn Sci, 43: e12798. doi:10.1111/cogs.12798
“Scientists have shown that many non‐human animals such as ants, dogs, or rats are very good at using …
Chia-Hsuan Wang, Joseph D Monaco, James J Knierim. Hippocampal place cells encode local surface texture boundaries. bioRxiv 764282; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/764282
“The cognitive map is often assumed to be a Euclidean map that isometrically represents the real world (i.e. the …
Jacob L. S. Bellmund, William de Cothi, Tom A. Ruiter, Matthias Nau, Caswell Barry, Christian F. Doeller. Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory. bioRxiv 391201; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/391201
Environmental boundaries anchor cognitive maps that support memory. However, …
The excerpt note is about path integration with continuous attractor network according to McNaughton B. L., et al., 2006.
McNaughton, Bruce L., Francesco P. Battaglia, Ole Jensen, Edvard I. Moser, and May-Britt Moser. “Path integration and the neural basis …
The excerpt note is about spatial cognition in non-horizontal environments by Jeffery K. J. et al., 2013.
Jeffery, Kathryn J., Aleksandar Jovalekic, Madeleine Verriotis, and Robin Hayman. “Navigating in a three-dimensional world.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36, no. …
The first book to comprehensively explore the cognitive foundations of human spatial navigation.
Arne D. Ekstrom, Hugo J. Spiers, Véronique D. Bohbot & R. Shayna Rosenbaum
Hardcover 2018 55.00 43.00 ISBN9780691171746 216 pp. 7 x 10 20 color + 40 …
The excerpt note is about Experience Map: Component, Transition, Creation, Maintenance, from Michael 2008.
Michael Milford. Robot Navigation from Nature: Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping, and Path Planning Based on Hippocampal Models. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Press, pp. 129-143, 149-150, 2008.
I. …
The excerpt note is about how to build Experience Map in RatSLAM from Michael et al 2008.
An experience map is a fine-grained topological map composed of many individual experiences, e, connected by transitions, t. Each experience is defined by …
From Nature Neuroscience Oct. 31 2017
Navigation is the ability to estimate one’s own position and to track and plan one’s own path in physical space, be it on land, on sea, in the air or even in space. …
The following lectures are presented in the NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM : BRAIN MECHANISMS OF NAVIGATION IN PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE SPACES at Central European University in August 31, 2017.
This is a special symposium with four outstanding scientist (three Nobel laureates and one Brain Prize winner) …
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