Category: Path Integration

How bees achieve vertebrate-like, high-level navigation behaviors with far fewer neurons in their brains?

Patel RN, Roberts NS, Kempenaers J, Zadel A, Heinze S. Parallel vector memories in the brain of a bee as foundation for flexible navigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 Jul 23;121(30):e2402509121.

Insects navigate by

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How to brain to implemnt control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow?

Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci 27, 1599–1608 (2024).

“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external …

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How the brain perform control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow?

Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci (2024).

Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external sensory

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How grid cells perform path integration in multiple reference frames during self-motion-based navigation?

Jing-Jie Peng, Beate Throm, Maryam Najafian Jazi, Ting-Yun Yen, Hannah Monyer, Kevin Allen. Grid cells perform path integration in multiple reference frames during self-motion-based navigation. bioRxiv 2023.12.21.572857; doi:

“With their periodic firing pattern, grid cells are considered

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How Flies See Motion?

Alexander Borst and Lukas N. Groschner. How Flies See Motion. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 46:17-37, 2023.

How neurons detect the direction of motion is a prime example of neural computation: Motion vision is found in the …

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Does path integration contribute to human navigation in large-scale space?

Anastasiou, C., Baumann, O. & Yamamoto, N. Does path integration contribute to human navigation in large-scale space?Psychon Bull Rev (2022).

Path integration is a process in which navigators estimate their position and orientation relative to

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Which neural circuits utilize relevant cues to initiate integration?

Raphael Heldman, Dongyan Pang, Xiaoliang Zhao, Yingxue Wang. A CA1 circuit motif that signals the start of information integration. bioRxiv 2023.03.12.532295; doi:

Integrating information from the recent past is critical for guiding predictions and shaping behavior

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