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“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external …
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“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external sensory …
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“With their periodic firing pattern, grid cells are considered …
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“Path integration is a process in which navigators estimate their position and orientation relative to …
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“Path integration is thought to rely …
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“Current opinion in insect navigation assumes that animals need to align with the goal direction to …
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Path integration is …
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Grid cells in …
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Place cells and grid cells in the hippocampal formation are thought to integrate sensory …
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Insect navigation is strikingly geometric. Many species use path integration to maintain an accurate estimate of their distance and direction …
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Continuously monitoring its position in space relative to a goal is one of the most essential tasks for …
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Fig from Le Moël et al. 2019.
The …
Edvardsen, Vegard. “Goal-directed navigation based on path integration and decoding of grid cells in an artificial neural network.” Natural Computing 18, no. 1 (2019): 13-27.
The following content is extracted from Edvardsen 2019.
Edvardsen, Vegard. “Goal-directed navigation based …
Edvardsen, Vegard. “Long-range navigation by path integration and decoding of grid cells in a neural network.” In 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 4348-4355. IEEE, 2017.
The following content is extracted from Edvardsen 2017.
Neural …
The excerpt note is about path integration with continuous attractor network according to McNaughton B. L., et al., 2006.
McNaughton, Bruce L., Francesco P. Battaglia, Ole Jensen, Edvard I. Moser, and May-Britt Moser. “Path integration and the neural basis …
The 2nd Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNav 2018) was held in June 2018 in Québec, Canada, organized by Jeffery Taube, Thomas Wolbers, Kate Jeffery, Laure Rondi-Reig, David Dickman, Mayank Mehta. The meeting aims to bring together a diverse group of scientists …
The excerpt note is about a model of spatial location based on the place cells from the Michael 2008.
Michael Milford. Robot Navigation from Nature: Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping, and Path Planning Based on Hippocampal Models. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Press, …
The excerpt note is about path integration in RatSLAM from Michael et al. 2010, 2008, 2004.
The RatSLAM system uses poses cells to concurrently represent the beliefs about the location and orientation of the robot. By representing in the same …
The excerpt note is about how to move the activity of pose cells according to the translational and rotational velocity in RatSLAM from Michael et al. 2008, 2004.
The new path integration method shifts existing pose cell activity rather than …
The excerpt note is from Michael et al., 2008, which explains the detail process to update the activity of pose cells in RatSLAM.
Milford, Michael J., and Gordon F. Wyeth. “Mapping a suburb with a single camera using a …
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