Tag: Goal-Directed Navigation

How animals simultaneously map their surroundings and tether goals to these surroundings during early experience in a novel environment?

Dan, Chuntao, Brad K. Hulse, Ramya Kappagantula, Vivek Jayaraman and Ann M. Hermundstad. “A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation.” Neuron (2024): DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2024.04.036

Anchoring goals to spatial representations enables flexible navigation but is

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How rat brain transform egocentric views into goal-directed navigation behavior?

LaChance, Patrick A., and Jeffrey S. Taube. “A model for transforming egocentric views into goal‐directed behavior.” Hippocampus (2023).


Neurons in the rat postrhinal cortex (POR) respond to the egocentric (observer-centered) bearing and distance of the boundaries,

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How neurons encode variables during goal-directed navigation in environments that dynamically change?

Alexander Gonzalez, Lisa M Giocomo. Parahippocampal neurons encode task-relevant information for goal-directed navigation. bioRxiv 2022.12.15.520660; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.15.520660

“A behavioral strategy crucial to survival is directed navigation to a goal, such as a food or home location. One potential

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How direct cortical inputs to hippocampal area CA1 transmit complementary signals for goal-directed navigation?

John C Bowler, Attila Losonczy. Direct Cortical Inputs to Hippocampal Area CA1 Transmit Complementary Signals for Goal-directed Navigation. bioRxiv 2022.11.10.516009; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.10.516009

“The entorhinal cortex (EC) is central to the brain’s navigation system. Its subregions are conventionally thought …

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Where and how odor and wind cues are integrated to support wind-guided olfactory navigation?

Andrew M. M. Matheson, Aaron J. Lanz, Ashley M. Medina, Al M. Licata, Timothy A. Currier, Mubarak H. Syed & Katherine I. Nagel. A neural circuit for wind-guided olfactory navigation. Nat Commun 13, 4613 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32247-7


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How does the brain translate experiences into structured knowledge that allows us to navigate to achieve goals?

Corey Fernandez, Jiefeng Jiang, Shao-Fang Wang, Hannah Choi, Anthony D Wagner. Representational integration and differentiation in the human hippocampus following goal-directed navigation. bioRxiv 2022.04.12.488078; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.12.488078

“As we learn, dynamic memory processes build structured knowledge across our experiences. …

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What is the latest progress in brain-inspired navigation technology integrating perception and action decision?

YANG Chuang, LIU Jianye, XIONG Zhi, LAI Jizhou, XIONG Jun. Brain-inspired navigation technology integrating perception and action decision: A review and outlook[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2020, 41(1): 23280-023280.


“With the sustained development of brain and neuroscience as …

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