How collective hippocampal coding properties facilitate the stability or precision of the neural code?

Sheintuch, Liron, Nitzan Geva, Daniel Deitch, Alon Rubin, and Yaniv Ziv. “Organization of hippocampal CA3 into correlated cell assemblies supports a stable spatial code.” Cell Reports 42, no. 2 (2023).

Hippocampal subfield CA3 is thought to

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How the brain avoid systematic erasing of previously encoded memories?

Irene Navarro-Lobato, Adrian Aleman-Zapata, Anumita Samanta, Milan Bogers, Shekhar Narayanan, Abdelrahman Rayan, Alejandra Alonso, Jacqueline van der Meij, Mehdi Khamassi, Zafar Khan, Lisa Genzel. Learning Fast and Slow: Increased cortical plasticity leads to memory interference and enhanced hippocampal-cortical interactions. …

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How brain encode object-location memories?

Yusuke Teratani-Ota, Brian J. Wiltgen. Encoding object-location memories along the proximodistal axis of CA1. bioRxiv 2022.10.17.512601; doi:

The hippocampus is thought to combine “what” and “where” information from the cortex so that objects and events can

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How rat brain transform egocentric views into goal-directed navigation behavior?

LaChance, Patrick A., and Jeffrey S. Taube. “A model for transforming egocentric views into goal‐directed behavior.” Hippocampus (2023).


Neurons in the rat postrhinal cortex (POR) respond to the egocentric (observer-centered) bearing and distance of the boundaries,

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How spinal circuits implement the locomotor command?

Hsu, LJ., Bertho, M. & Kiehn, O. Deconstructing the modular organization and real-time dynamics of mammalian spinal locomotor networks. Nat Commun 14, 873 (2023).

“Locomotion empowers animals to move. Locomotor-initiating signals from the brain are funneled through …

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How unique and predictable elements of memories are stored and reconstructed by efficiently combining both hippocampal and neocortical systems?

Eleanor Spens, Neil Burgess. A Generative Model of Memory Construction and Consolidation. bioRxiv 2023.01.19.524711; doi:

“Human episodic memories are (re)constructed, combining unique features with schema-based predictions, and share neural substrates with imagination. They also show systematic schema-based …

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How the brain maintain and update the uncertainty about one’s location to navigate efficiently?

Yul HR Kang, Daniel M Wolpert, Máté Lengyel. Spatial uncertainty and environmental geometry in navigation. bioRxiv 2023.01.30.526278; doi:

Variations in the geometry of the environment, such as the shape and size of an enclosure, have profound

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