How does the brain maintain a stable head direction representation in naturalistic visual environments?

Hannah Haberkern, Shivam S Chitnis, Philip M Hubbard, Tobias Goulet, Ann M Hermundstad, Vivek Jayaraman. Maintaining a stable head direction representation in naturalistic visual environments. bioRxiv 2022.05.17.492284; doi:

Many animals rely on a representation of head

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How can small networks accurately track an animal’s movements to guide navigation?

Marcella Noorman, Brad K Hulse, Vivek Jayaraman, Sandro Romani, Ann M Hermundstad. Accurate angular integration with only a handful of neurons. bioRxiv 2022.05.23.493052; doi:

To flexibly navigate, many animals rely on internal spatial representations that persist

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How can a joint spatiotemporal phase code implement the combined neural representation of space and time in the human entorhinal cortex?

Nadasdy, Z., Howell, D., Török, Á., Nguyen, T. P., Shen, J. Y., Briggs, D. E., Modur, P. N., & Buchanan, R. J. (2022). Phase coding of spatial representations in the human entorhinal cortexScience advances8(18), eabm6081. …

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How the human brain represents time during a temporally continuous uninterrupted experience?

Zahra M. Aghajan, Gabriel Kreiman, Itzhak Fried. Periodic Time Cells in Human Entorhinal Cortex. bioRxiv 2022.05.05.490703; doi:

“The representation of time in the brain is a fundamental component of cognition. Here we investigated how the human brain

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How Drosophila LPLC1 neurons implement a selective collision avoidance behavior by pooling outputs of motion and object detectors, as well as spatially biased inhibition?

Ryosuke Tanaka, Damon A. Clark. Neural mechanisms to exploit positional geometry for collision avoidance,
Current Biology, 2022,

Visual motion provides rich geometrical cues about the three-dimensional configuration of the world. However, how brains decode the

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Whether network oscillation occurs in MEC at behavioural time scales in the second-to-minute regime such as spatial navigation and episodic memory?

Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Horst A. Obenhaus, Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen, Flavio Donato, May-Britt Moser, Edvard I. Moser. Minute-scale oscillatory sequences in medial entorhinal cortex. bioRxiv 2022.05.02.490273; doi:

The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) hosts many of the brain’s

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How does the hippocampus and its constituent pathways support novel category learning?

Jelena Sučević, Anna C. Schapiro. A neural network model of hippocampal contributions to category learning. bioRxiv 2022.01.12.476051; doi:

“In addition to its critical role in encoding individual episodes, the hippocampus is capable of extracting regularities across experiences. …

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