Whether animals can intentionally control their hippocampal activity according to their model of the world

Chongxi Lai et al., Volitional activation of remote place representations with a hippocampal brain–machine interface. Science382,566-573(2023).DOI:10.1126/science.adh5206

Editor’s summary

“The hippocampus holds a model of the environment that can be mentally traversed during recall or simulation. …

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How hippocampal activity relates to spatial behaviour in dynamic and ethologically relevant group settings?

Forli, A., Yartsev, M.M. Hippocampal representation during collective spatial behaviour in batsNature (2023).

Social animals live and move through spaces shaped by the presence, motion and sensory cues of multiple other individuals1,2,3,4,5,6. Neural activity

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How navigational systems in the human brain dynamically code for past, present, and future trajectories?

You Cheng, Sam Ling, Chantal E. Stern, Elizabeth R. Chrastil. Navigational systems in the human brain dynamically code for past, present, and future trajectories. bioRxiv 2023.08.22.554387; doi:

Navigational trajectory planning requires the interaction of systems that

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How the hippocampus represents the temporal distance to different goals?

Alison Montagrin, Denise E. Croote, Maria Giulia Preti, Liron Lerman, Mark G. Baxter, Daniela Schiller. Hippocampal timestamp for goals
bioRxiv 2023.07.27.550892; doi:

Our brain must manage multiple goals that differ in their temporal proximity. Some …

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How Do Neural Networks Work for Navigation: From Connections to Computations?

Rachel I. Wilson. Neural Networks for Navigation: From Connections to Computations. Annual Review of Neuroscience Vol. 46:403-423 (Volume publication date July 2023)

Many animals can navigate toward a goal they cannot see based on an internal

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How the Brain Learn the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data?

Yanbo Lian, Simon Williams, Andrew S. Alexander, Michael E. Hasselmo, Anthony N. Burkitt. Learning the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data. Journal of Neuroscience 12 July 2023, 43 (28) 5180-5190; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1071-22.2023

The use

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How Flies See Motion?

Alexander Borst and Lukas N. Groschner. How Flies See Motion. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 46:17-37, 2023.

How neurons detect the direction of motion is a prime example of neural computation: Motion vision is found in the …

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