Where To Go And How To Get There: Guidelines For Indoor Landmark-Based Navigation In A Museum Context


Alan J. Wecker    University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905

Joel Lanir    University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905

Tsvi Kuflik    University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905

Oliviero Stock    FBK-irst Povo, Italy


Abstract:Technology-supported indoor navigation is not easy; there are many

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习惯一:积极主动(Be proactive)



习惯二:以终为始(Begin with the end in mind)



习惯三:要事第一(Put first things first)



习惯四:双赢思维(Think Win-Win)



习惯五:知彼解已(Seek first to understand, then to be understood)






习惯七:不断更新(Sharpen the saw)


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A Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques

YAO-YI CHIANG, University of Southern California

STEFAN LEYK, University of Colorado, Boulder

CRAIG A. KNOBLOCK, University of Southern California


Abstract—Maps depict natural and human-induced changes on earth at a fine resolution for large areas and over long periods

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Enriching Wayfinding Instructions with Local Landmarks

Abstract. Navigation services communicate optimal routes to users by providing sequences of instructions for these routes. Each single instruction guides the wayfinder from one decision point to the next. The instructions are based on geometric data from the street network,

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The Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science will be held in Montreal, Canada.

The Ninth International Conference on Geographic Information Science will be held in Montreal, Canada.

GIScience 2016 continues a highly successful series of conferences started in 2000, highlighting cutting edge research that pushes the boundaries of geospatial analysis. Held every

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Call for Papers of the German Journal on Artificial Intelligence

Special Issue on "Landmark-Based Navigation in Cognitive Systems"

Künstliche Intelligenz – German Journal on Artificial Intelligence

The importance of landmarks in human navigation has long been recognized in multiple fields. These include areas involved in the understanding, modelling and supporting

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A list of relevant GIS journals

Note. This article is  from The 3D geoinformation research group

We are curating a list of journals that we consider when submitting a GIS manuscript. Some of the journals listed below are not squarely GIS journals, but they

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