Category: Brain-Inspired Navigation

Cognitive Navigation News (2018-003)

1. Can We Copy the Brain?

from the IEEE Spectrum Special Report about AI and Brain Inspired Computing.

From Macro to Micro: A Visual Guide to the Brain

Why We Should Copy the Brain

In the Future, Machines Will Borrow

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How to represent robot’s pose with a rate-coded neural network CAN in RatSLAM?

The excerpt note is about robot’s pose representation with a rate-coded neural network, continuous attractor network (CAN) in RatSLAM from Michael and Gordon 2010.

The CAN is a neural network that consists of an array of units with fixed weighted …

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How to perform Path Integration in RatSLAM?

The excerpt note is about path integration in RatSLAM from Michael et al. 2010, 2008, 2004.

The RatSLAM system uses poses cells to concurrently represent the beliefs about the location and orientation of the robot. By representing in the same …

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How does the velocity take effects on movement of activity of Pose Cells in RatSLAM?

The excerpt note is about how to move the activity of pose cells according to the translational and rotational velocity in RatSLAM from Michael et al. 2008, 2004.

The new path integration method shifts existing pose cell activity rather than

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How to update the activity of pose cells in RatSLAM?

The excerpt note is from Michael et al., 2008, which explains the detail process to update the activity of pose cells in RatSLAM.

Milford, Michael J., and Gordon F. Wyeth. “Mapping a suburb with a single camera using a

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How to enable robot cognitive mapping inspired by Grid Cells, Head Direction Cells and Speed Cells?

Taiping Zeng, and Bailu Si. “Cognitive Mapping Based on Conjunctive Representations of Space and Movement.” Frontiers in Neurorobotics 11 (2017).

In this work, the researchers developed a cognitive mapping model for mobile robots, taking advantage of the coding …

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How to perform robot place recognition with multi-scale, multi-sensor system inspired by place cells?

Adam Jacobson, Zetao Chen, Michael Milford. Leveraging variable sensor spatial acuity with a homogeneous, multi-scale place recognition framework. Biological Cybernetics, Jan 20, 2018, .

This paper presented a biologically inspired multi-scale, multi-sensor place recognition system that incorporates the …

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