Category: Brain-Inspired Navigation

Nature Neuroscience Nov. 2017 Issue: Focus on Spatial Cognition

From Nature Neuroscience  Oct. 31 2017

Navigation is the ability to estimate one’s own position and to track and plan one’s own path in physical space, be it on land, on sea, in the air or even in space. …

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Bat brain signals illuminate navigation in the dark

Brief content From ScienceNews   BY  AMBER DANCE 12:30PM, SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Neuroscientist Nachum Ulanovsky and his colleagues of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, studying several different species of bats, are investigating how the flying mammals perceive …

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Brain Mechanisms of Navigation in Physical and Cognitive Spaces

The following lectures are presented in the NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM : BRAIN MECHANISMS OF NAVIGATION IN PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE SPACES at Central European University in August 31, 2017.

This is a special symposium with four outstanding scientist (three Nobel laureates and one Brain Prize winner)

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Bat brains: Studies of free-flying bats reveal nerve cells that enable complex navigation.

Bat brain signals illuminate navigation in the dark

brown bat

Read more in the Science News 

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Some Tips When Run RatSLAM MATLAB Code

Some Tips When Run RatSLAM MATLAB Code

Fangwen Yu

Sep 21, 2017

0. RatSLAM MATLAB Code and Datasets

Open source code:

Datasets Links:

Here is a link to the iRat's video:

The iRat's odom in text form:

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Why Rat-Brained Robots Are So Good at Navigating Unfamiliar Terrain

Running algorithms that mimic a rat’s navigation neurons, heavy machines will soon plumb Australia’s underground mines

The article is from IEEE Spectrum

Opening illustration

Photo: Dan Saelinger

If you take a common brown rat and drop it into a lab maze or …

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