Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

How entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space?

Isabella C Wagner, Luise Graichen, Boryana Todorova, Andre Luettig, David Omer, Matthias Stangl, Claus Lamm. Entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space. bioRxiv 2022.10.08.511403; doi:

“Navigating through crowded, dynamically changing social environments …

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Whether the compression of time cells obeys the Weber-Fechner Law?

Rui Cao, John H. Bladon, Stephen J. Charczynski, Michael E. Hasselmo, Marc W. Howard. Internally Generated Time in the Rodent Hippocampus is Logarithmically Compressed. bioRxiv 2021.10.25.465750; doi:

“The Weber-Fechner law proposes that our perceived sensory input increases …

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How hippocampal neurons with object-anchored firing fields contribute to homing based on path integration in navigation?

Maryam Najafian Jazi, Adrian Tymorek, Ting Yung Yen, Felix Jose Kavarayil, Moritz Stingl, Sherman Richard Chau, Benay Baskurt, Celia Garcia Vilela, Kevin Allen. Hippocampal firing fields anchored to a moving object predict homing direction during path-integration-based behavior. bioRxiv 2022.09.30.510268; doi: …

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How specific firing patterns and oscillatory dynamics in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus can support both navigation and memory?

Buzsáki, G., Moser, E. Memory, navigation and theta rhythm in the hippocampal-entorhinal systemNat Neurosci 16, 130–138 (2013).

“Theories on the functions of the hippocampal system are based largely on two fundamental discoveries: the amnestic consequences …

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Howretrohippocampal neurons encode location through ramping activity?

Tennant, Sarah A., Harry Clark, Ian Hawes, Wing Kin Tam, Junji Hua, Wannan Yang, Klara Z. Gerlei, Emma R. Wood, and Matthew F. Nolan. “Spatial representation by ramping activity of neurons in the retrohippocampal cortex.” Current Biology, September

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How temporal information is represented and used during prospective and retrospective timing?

Tsao, A., Yousefzadeh, S.A., Meck, W.H. et al. The neural bases for timing of durationsNat Rev Neurosci (2022).

Durations are defined by a beginning and an end, and a major distinction is drawn between durations

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How hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location?

Adi Doron, Alon Rubin, Aviya Benmelech-Chovav, Netai Benaim, Tom Carmi, Ron Refaeli, Nechama Novick, Tirzah Kreisel, Yaniv Ziv & Inbal Goshen. Hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location. Nature (2022).

“Astrocytic calcium dynamics has been implicated in the encoding …

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