Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

How are visual landmarks integrated into a framework that supports the neural encoding of landmark- based orientation?

LaChance PA, Graham J, Shapiro BL, Morris AJ, Taube JS. Landmark-modulated directional coding in postrhinal cortex. Science Advances 2022 Jan 28;8(4):eabg8404. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg8404.

Visual landmarks can anchor an animal’s internal sense of orientation to the external world

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How do hippocampal replays adapt to spatial contingency changes?

John Widloski, David J. Foster. Flexible rerouting of hippocampal replay sequences around changing barriers in the absence of global place field remapping. Neuron, 2022, 110, 1–12.

“Flexibility is a hallmark of memories that depend on the hippocampus. For

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Whether are some head direction cells sensitive to magnetic direction in a migratory bird ?

Takahashi, Susumu, Takumi Hombe, Sakiko Matsumoto, Kaoru Ide, and Ken Yoda. “Head direction cells in a migratory bird prefer north.” Science Advances 8, no. 5 (2022): eabl6848.

“Animals exhibit remarkable navigation abilities as if they have an …

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How information about spatial landmarks and movement is encoded in the first stage of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus?

Sebnem N. Tuncdemir, Andres D. Grosmark, Gergely F. Turi, Amei Shank, John C. Bowler, Gokhan Ordek, Attila Losonczy, Rene Hen, Clay O. Lacefield. Parallel processing of sensory cue and spatial information in the dentate gyrus. Cell Reports, Volume 38, …

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Whether place cells encode the angular and linear position as well as motion direction of a simple stimulus, regardless of self-motion, memory or reward?

Chinmay S. Purandare, Shonali Dhingra, Rodrigo Rios, Cliff Vuong, Thuc To, Ayaka Hachisuka, Krishna Choudhary & Mayank R. Mehta. Moving bar of light evokes vectorial spatial selectivity in the immobile rat hippocampus. Nature (2022).

“Visual cortical neurons …

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How to build a cognitive map?

James C.R. Whittington, David McCaffary, Jacob J.W. Bakermans, Timothy E.J. Behrens.  How to build a cognitive map: insights from models of the hippocampal formation. arXiv:2202.01682 [q-bio.NC], 2022. 


“Learning and interpreting the structure of the environment is an innate …

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Whether dendritic calcium spikes in the hippocampus could also help the brain to update its map of the world?

Aaron D Milstein, Yiding Li, Katie C Bittner, Christine Grienberger, Ivan Soltesz, Jeffrey C Magee, Sandro Romani. Bidirectional synaptic plasticity rapidly modifies hippocampal representations. eLife 2021;10:e73046 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.73046
“Learning requires neural adaptations thought to be mediated by activity-dependent …

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