Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

How to build a fully automated bat flight environment for studying 3D navigation in flying bats?

Genzel D, Yartsev MM. The fully automated bat (FAB) flight room: A human-free environment for studying navigation in flying bats and its initial application to the retrosplenial cortex. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2020 Oct:108970. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108970.

Bats can

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How do entorhinal grid cells represent volumetric (three-dimensional) space?

Roddy M. Grieves, Selim Jedidi-Ayoub, Karyna Mishchanchuk, Anyi Liu, Sophie Renaudineau, Éléonore Duvelle, Kate J. Jeffery. Grid cell firing fields in a volumetric space. bioRxiv 2020.12.06.413542; doi:

“We investigated how entorhinal grid cells represent volumetric (three-dimensional) space

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How does path integration operate at a neural level in humans?

Arnold, Aiden EG, Ford Burles, Signe Bray, Richard M. Levy, and Giuseppe Iaria. “Differential neural network configuration during human path integration.” Frontiers in human neuroscience 8 (2014): 263.


Path integration is a fundamental skill for navigation

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How does the neural network link the scene perception and spatial memory systems of the human brain?

Adam Steel, Madeleine M. Billings, Edward H. Silson, Caroline E. Robertson. A network linking perception and memory systems in posterior cerebral cortex. doi:

“Here, we report a new network of brain areas bridging the spatial-memory and scene-perception

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How can local sensory signals be transformed into a global, multimodal, abstract representation of space for navigation?

Okubo T., Patella P., D’Alessandro I., and Wilson RI. “A Neural Network for Wind-Guided Compass Navigation.” Neuron, 2020, 107, Pp. 1-17

“Spatial maps in the brain are most accurate when they are linked to external sensory cues. …

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How can spatial navigation research in neuroscience and AI advance both fields significantly?

Bermudez-Contreras E, Clark BJ and Wilber A (2020) The Neuroscience of Spatial Navigation and the Relationship to Artificial IntelligenceFront. Comput. Neurosci. 14:63. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2020.00063


“Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroscience are impressive. In AI, this …

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How animals navigate over large-scale environments ?

Lee Harten, Amitay Katz1, Aya Goldshtein, Michal Handel, Yossi Yovel. The ontogeny of a mammalian cognitive map in the real world
SCIENCE 10 JUL 2020 : 194-197

How animals navigate over large-scale environments remains a riddle. Specifically, …

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