Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

What could be the computational benefits of such a mapping between intrinsic dynamical structure and external sensory inputs for navigation in the brain?

Christian Leibold. A Model for Navigation in Unknown Environments Based on a Reservoir of Hippocampal Sequences
bioRxiv 2019.12.18.880583; doi:

“Hippocampal place cell populations are activated in sequences on multiple time scales during active behavior, resting and sleep …

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How to conduct a quantitative comparison of machine learning and statistical model-based decoding methods on HD cell activity?

Xu Z, Wu W, Winter SS, Mehlman ML, Butler WN, Simmons CM, Harvey RE, Berkowitz LE, Chen Y, Taube JS, Wilber AA and Clark BJ (2019) A Comparison of Neural Decoding Methods and Population Coding Across Thalamo-Cortical Head Direction Cells

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How the grid cells perform path integral, path planning and error correction?

Gao, Ruiqi & Xie, Jianwen & Zhu, Song & Wu, Yingnian.  Learning Grid Cells as Vector Representation of Self-Position Coupled with Matrix Representation of Self-Motion. ICLR 2019


This paper proposes a representational model for grid cells. In

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How the Human Brain Perform the Retrieval of Large-Scale Spatial Environments?

Derek J. Huffman, Arne D. Ekstrom, A Modality-Independent Network Underlies the Retrieval of Large-Scale Spatial Environments in the Human Brain, Neuron, Volume 104, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 611-622.e7, ISSN 0896-6273,

In humans, the extent to which

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How rats explored a layered pyramid placed in a large open field?

Hagbi, Z., Dorfman, A., Blumenfeld-Lieberthal, E. et al. “It’s all in their head”: hierarchical exploration of a three-dimensional layered pyramid in rats. Anim Cogn (2019).

Wayfinding in a three-dimensional (3D) environment is intricate, and surface-bounded animals

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What’s the effect of the differences on the dynamics of the heading direction circuit of two insect species

Ioannis Pisokas, Stanley Heinze, Barbara Webb. The heading direction circuit of two insect species.  bioRxiv 854521; doi:

Recent studies of the Central Complex in the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster have identified neurons with localised

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How the human brain encodes allocentric boundary and goal direction information?

Shine, J.P., Valdés-Herrera, J.P., Tempelmann, C. et al. Evidence for allocentric boundary and goal direction information in the human entorhinal cortex and subiculumNat Commun 10, 4004 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11802-9

“In rodents, cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (EC) …

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