Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

Anticipatory Neural Activity Improves the Decoding Accuracy for Dynamic Head-Direction Signals

Zirkelbach, Johannes, Martin Stemmler, and Andreas VM Herz. “Anticipatory neural activity improves the decoding accuracy for dynamic head-direction signals.” Journal of Neuroscience (2019): 2605-18.

Insects and vertebrates harbor specific neurons that encode the animal’s head direction (HD) and provide …

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Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats

Finkelstein, Arseny, Nachum Ulanovsky, Misha Tsodyks, and Johnatan Aljadeff. “Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats.” Nature communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 3590.


Ethologically relevant stimuli are often multidimensional. In many brain …

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Neural dynamics indicate parallel integration of environmental and self-motion information by place and grid cells

Laptev, Dmitri, and Neil Burgess. “Neural dynamics indicate parallel integration of environmental and self-motion information by place and grid cells.” bioRxiv (2019): 640144.

Place cells and grid cells in the hippocampal formation are thought to integrate sensory …

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Hippocampal Contributions to Model-Based Planning and Spatial Memory

Vikbladh, Oliver M., Michael R. Meager, John King, Karen Blackmon, Orrin Devinsky, Daphna Shohamy, Neil Burgess, and Nathaniel D. Daw. “Hippocampal Contributions to Model-Based Planning and Spatial Memory.” Neuron (2019).

• We tested planning and spatial memory

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How the brain represents the semantic relations?

Yizhen Zhang, Kuan Han, Robert Worth, Zhongming Liu. Connecting Concepts in the Brain: Mapping Cortical Representations of Semantic Relations. doi:

In the brain, the semantic system is thought to store concepts. However, little is known about how it

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Planning at decision time and in the background during spatial navigation

Pezzulo, Giovanni, Francesco Donnarumma, Domenico Maisto, and Ivilin Stoianov. “Planning at decision time and in the background during spatial navigation.” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 29 (2019): 69-76.

• Planning is the model-based approach to solving control …

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Heading direction with respect to a reference point modulates place-cell activity

Jercog, Pablo E., Yashar Ahmadian, Caitlin Woodruff, Rajeev Deb-Sen, Laurence F. Abbott, and Eric R. Kandel. “Heading direction with respect to a reference point modulates place-cell activity.” Nature Communications 10, Article number: 2333 (2019).


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