Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

How distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall?

Aleksander P.F. Domanski, Michal T. Kucewicz, Eleonora Russo, Mark D. Tricklebank, Emma S.J. Robinson, Daniel Durstewitz, Matt W. Jones. Distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall. Current Biology, 2023.

Short-term memory enables incorporation of

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How the hippocampus-accumbens code guides goal-directed appetitive behavior?

Oliver Barnstedt, Petra Mocellin, Stefan Remy. A hippocampus-accumbens code guides goal-directed appetitive behavior. bioRxiv 2023.03.09.531869; doi:

Neurons in dorsal hippocampus (dHPC) encode a rich repertoire of task-relevant environmental features, while downstream regions such as the …

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How human visual area V6 transforms spatially relevant sensory information into an egocentric representation for navigation?

Aggius-Vella E, Chebat DR, Maidenbaum S, Amedi A. Activation of human visual area V6 during egocentric navigation with and without visual experience. Current Biology. 2023 Mar 1.

V6 is a retinotopic area located in the dorsal visual

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How the neural representation of allocentric space is distorted by goal-directed behaviour?

PS Muhle-Karbe, H Sheahan, G Pezzulo, HJ Spiers, S Chien, NW Schuck, C Summerfield. Goal-seeking compresses neural codes for space in the human hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex. bioRxiv 2023.01.12.523762; doi:

Humans can navigate flexibly to meet

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How the brain process gated transformations from egocentric to allocentric reference frames involving retrosplenial cortex, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus?

Alexander, A. S., Robinson, J. C., Stern, C. E., & Hasselmo, M. E. (2023). Gated transformations from egocentric to allocentric reference frames involving retrosplenial cortex, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus. Hippocampus, 1– 23.

This paper reviews the

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What’s the local circuit-basis for spatial navigation and memory processes in hippocampal area CA1?

Tristan Geiller, James B. Priestley, Attila Losonczy. A local circuit-basis for spatial navigation and memory processes in hippocampal area CA1. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Volume 79, 2023,102701.

“The hippocampus is a multi-stage neural circuit that is critical for …

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How lateral oscillations are produced and participate in visual navigation for insects?

Leo Clement, Sebastian Schwarz, Antoine Wystrach. An intrinsic oscillator underlies visual navigation in ants. Current Biology, Volume 33, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 411-422.e5. 

Many insects display lateral oscillations while moving, but how these oscillations are produced and

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