Category: 3D Spatial Representation

How the brain implements recognition of familiar faces, objects, and scenes at the neural level?

Bicanski and Burgess 2019 propose that grid cells support visual recognition memory, by encoding translation vectors between salient stimulus features. They provide an explicit neural mechanism for the role of directed saccades in hypothesis-driven, constructive perception and recognition, and

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A gravity-based three-dimensional compass in the mouse brain

Head direction cells in the mammalian limbic system are thought to function as an allocentric neuronal compass. Although traditional views hold that the compass of ground-dwelling species is planar, Angelaki et al. 2019 show that head-direction cells in the rodent

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How the brain represent 3D head direction in 3D space?

The note is an excerpt from the Shinder et al. 2019. We just describe some key conception and results in this study as a significant note. Please read the original paper if you are interested in the study on

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How the brain’s spatial systems organize their representation of 3D space?

The brain’s spatial map is supported by place cells, encoding current location, and grid cells, which report horizontal distance traveled by producing evenly sized and spaced foci of activity (firing fields) that tile the environment surface. Casalia et al. 2019 …

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How 3D grid cells encode 3D physical space in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D grid cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2019 

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Can we study 3D grid codes non-invasively in the

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How three-dimensional (3D) direction information is encoded in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D head direction cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2018.

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Encoding of 3D head direction information in the

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CogNav-Cognitive Navigation

An issue of Navigation News on Cognitive Navigation.

An article about Cognitive Navigation by Professor Kate Jeffery in this issue.

“Cognitive navigation integrates the navigator with their surroundings, in both time and space, and also with other navigators,and …

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