Category: Spatial Cognition

How do rodents execute efficient multi-step routes to goals in novel environments?

Philip Shamash, Sarah F. Olesen, Panagiota Iordanidou, Dario Campagner, Banerjee Nabhojit, Tiago Branco. Mice learn multi-step routes by memorizing subgoal locations. bioRxiv 2020.08.19.256867; doi:

Animals must rapidly gather spatial information about new environments so that they

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How does the brain encode temporal context information about what happened in addition to when it happened?

Ian M. Bright, Miriam L. R. Meister, Nathanael A. Cruzado, Zoran Tiganj, Elizabeth A. Buffalo, Marc W. Howard. A temporal record of the past with a spectrum of time constants in the monkey entorhinal cortex. Proceedings of the National …

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How is vectorial information encoded in spatial cognition?

Bicanski, A., Burgess, N. Neuronal vector coding in spatial cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci (2020).

Several types of neurons involved in spatial navigation and memory encode the distance and direction (that is, the vector) between an agent

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How can navigation in cluttered environments be supported by utilizing a combination of grid cell-driven vector navigation, place cell-driven topological navigation, and border cell-driven local obstacle avoidance?

Edvardsen, V, Bicanski, A, Burgess, N. Navigating with grid and place cells in cluttered environments. Hippocampus. 2020; 30: 220– 232.

“Hippocampal formation contains several classes of neurons thought to be involved in navigational processes, in particular place …

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How does the brain encode landmarks?

Fischer, Lukas, Raul Mojica Soto-Albors, Friederike Buck, and Mark Harnett. “Representation of Visual Landmarks in Retrosplenial Cortex.” eLife 2020;9:e51458 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.51458

The process by which visual information is incorporated into the brain’s spatial framework to represent

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How does the human brain encode egocentric (self-centered) spatial information?

Lukas Kunz, Armin Brandt, Peter C. Reinacher, Bernhard P. Staresina, Eric T. Reifenstein, Christoph T. Weidemann, Nora A. Herweg, Melina Tsitsiklis, Richard Kempter, Michael J. Kahana, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Joshua Jacobs. A neural code of egocentric spatial information in human medial

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Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex

Andrew S. Alexander, Lucas C. Carstensen, James R. Hinman, Florian Raudies, G. William Chapman and Michael E. Hasselmo. Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex. SCIENCE ADVANCES21 FEB 2020 : EAAZ2322

“The retrosplenial cortex is reciprocally connected …

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