Category: Spatial Memory

How do neurons encode long-term memories?

Gonzalez, Walter G., Hanwen Zhang, Anna Harutyunyan, and Carlos Lois. “Persistence of neuronal representations through time and damage in the hippocampus.” Science 23 Aug 2019:Vol. 365, Issue 6455, pp. 821-825 DOI: 10.1126/science.aav9199

How do neurons encode

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How the brain encode and retrieve information about where, what, when?

Jørgen Sugar and May‐Britt Moser. Episodic memory: Neuronal codes for what, where, and when. Hippocampus. 2019; 1– 16.

“Episodic memory is defined as the ability to recall events in a spatiotemporal context. Formation of such memories is …

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How the brain remembers where you’re heading to?

Kunz, Lukas, Liang Wang, Daniel Lachner-Piza, Hui Zhang, Armin Brandt, Matthias Dümpelmann, Peter C. Reinacher et al. “Hippocampal theta phases organize the reactivation of large-scale electrophysiological representations during goal-directed navigation.” Science Advances 5, no. 7 (2019): eaav8192.

Humans are

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How hippocampus adds time to episodic memories?

Cox, Brittney M., Conor D. Cox, Benjamin G. Gunn, Aliza A. Le, Victoria C. Inshishian, Christine M. Gall, and Gary Lynch. “Acquisition of temporal order requires an intact CA3 commissural/associational (C/A) feedback system in mice.” Communications Biology 2, no. 1 …

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