Category: Episodic Memory

How is time generated in the hippocampal episodic memory system?

Edmund T. Rolls, Patrick Mills. The Generation of Time in the Hippocampal Memory System. Cell Reports, Volume 28, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 1649-1658.e6.

In Brief

“Rolls and Mills 2019 describe a theory and model of how time is generated

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How spatial information is dynamically reactivated in sub-regions of the human MTL and how this reactivation guides recall of episodic information

Nora A. Herweg, Ashwini D. Sharan, Michael R. Sperling, Armin Brandt, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage and Michael J. Kahana. Reactivated spatial context guides episodic recall. Journal of Neuroscience 23 January 2020, 1640-19; DOI:

“The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is …

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How biological and artificial learning systems work?

James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton, Andrew K. Lampinen. Integration of New Information in Memory: New Insights from a Complementary Learning Systems Perspective. bioRxiv 2020.01.17.909804; doi:

“According to complementary learning systems theory, integrating new memories into the …

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How the dynamic internal states shape memory retrieval?

Tarder-Stoll, Hannah, Manasi Jayakumar, Halle R. Dimsdale-Zucker, Eren Günseli, and Mariam Aly. “Dynamic internal states shape memory retrieval.” Neuropsychologia (2019): 107328.

• Retrieval mode is a neurocognitive state that optimizes access to memory.

• We review how

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What we have learned so far about the features of memory, including memory formation, retrieval over time, and loss?

Sheena A. Josselyn, Susumu Tonegawa. Memory engrams: Recalling the past and imagining the future. Science, 03 Jan 2020:Vol. 367, Issue 6473, eaaw4325. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw4325

“The ability to form memory is an essential trait that allows learning and the accumulation …

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How an allocentric representation of surrounding visual space can be constructed and stored by the dorsal visual path?

Li, Tianyi, Angelo Arleo, and Denis Sheynikhovich. “A model of a panoramic visual representation in the dorsal visual pathway: the case of spatial reorientation and memory-based search.” bioRxiv (2019): 827667.

Primates are primarily visual animals and …

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How does the primate hippocampus represent objects and space during virtual navigation?

Gulli, Roberto A., Lyndon R. Duong, Benjamin W. Corrigan, Guillaume Doucet, Sylvain Williams, Stefano Fusi, and Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo. “Context-dependent representations of objects and space in the primate hippocampus during virtual navigation.” Nature Neuroscience 23, no. 1 (2020): …

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