Category: Path Integration

How to estimate animal location from grid cell population activity using persistent cohomology?

Daisuke Kawahara, Shigeyoshi Fujisawa. Estimation of animal location from grid cell population activity using persistent cohomology. bioRxiv 2023.01.10.523361; doi:

“Many cognitive functions are represented as cell assemblies. For example, the population activity of place cells in the …

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When and why grid cells appear or not in trained path integrators?

Ben Sorscher, Gabriel C Mel, Aran Nayebi, Lisa Giocomo, Daniel Yamins, Surya Ganguli. When and why grid cells appear or not in trained path integrators. bioRxiv 2022.11.14.516537; doi:

“Recent work has claimed that the emergence of grid …

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How hippocampal neurons with object-anchored firing fields contribute to homing based on path integration in navigation?

Maryam Najafian Jazi, Adrian Tymorek, Ting Yung Yen, Felix Jose Kavarayil, Moritz Stingl, Sherman Richard Chau, Benay Baskurt, Celia Garcia Vilela, Kevin Allen. Hippocampal firing fields anchored to a moving object predict homing direction during path-integration-based behavior. bioRxiv 2022.09.30.510268; doi: …

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What’s the neural dynamics for landmark orientation and angular path integration?

Seelig, J., Jayaraman, V. Neural dynamics for landmark orientation and angular path integration. Nature 521, 186–191 (2015).

Many animals navigate using a combination of visual landmarks and path integration. In mammalian brains, head direction cells

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How to implement closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow?

Manu S Madhav, Ravikrishnan P Jayakumar, Brian Y Li, Francesco Savelli, James J Knierim, Noah J Cowan. Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow. bioRxiv 2022.06.12.495823; doi:

“Understanding the interplay between sensory input, endogenous …

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How could path integration vectors be encoded in the brains of bees for navigation?

Rickesh N. Patel, Julian Kempenaers, Stanley Heinze. Vector navigation in walking bumblebees. Current Biology, 2022, DOI:

Path integration is a computational strategy that allows an animal to maintain an internal estimate of its position relative to a

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How velocity cues with time-varying reliabilities are integrated into an evolving position estimate over prolonged time periods, and how the brain builds internal models inferring when cues ought to be integrated versus segregated?

Jean-Paul Noel and Dora E. Angelaki. Cognitive, Systems, and Computational Neurosciences of the Self in Motion. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 73:103-129 (Volume publication date January 2022).

Navigating by path integration requires continuously estimating one’s self-motion.

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