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“Many cognitive functions are represented as cell assemblies. For example, the population activity of place cells in the …
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“Recent work has claimed that the emergence of grid …
Maryam Najafian Jazi, Adrian Tymorek, Ting Yung Yen, Felix Jose Kavarayil, Moritz Stingl, Sherman Richard Chau, Benay Baskurt, Celia Garcia Vilela, Kevin Allen. Hippocampal firing fields anchored to a moving object predict homing direction during path-integration-based behavior. bioRxiv 2022.09.30.510268; doi: …
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“Many animals navigate using a combination of visual landmarks and path integration. In mammalian brains, head direction cells …
Manu S Madhav, Ravikrishnan P Jayakumar, Brian Y Li, Francesco Savelli, James J Knierim, Noah J Cowan. Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow. bioRxiv 2022.06.12.495823; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.12.495823
“Understanding the interplay between sensory input, endogenous …
Rickesh N. Patel, Julian Kempenaers, Stanley Heinze. Vector navigation in walking bumblebees. Current Biology, 2022, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.05.010
“Path integration is a computational strategy that allows an animal to maintain an internal estimate of its position relative to a …
Jean-Paul Noel and Dora E. Angelaki. Cognitive, Systems, and Computational Neurosciences of the Self in Motion. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 73:103-129 (Volume publication date January 2022). https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-021021-103038
“Navigating by path integration requires continuously estimating one’s self-motion. …
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