Category: Cognitive Navigation

How hippocampal neurons with object-anchored firing fields contribute to homing based on path integration in navigation?

Maryam Najafian Jazi, Adrian Tymorek, Ting Yung Yen, Felix Jose Kavarayil, Moritz Stingl, Sherman Richard Chau, Benay Baskurt, Celia Garcia Vilela, Kevin Allen. Hippocampal firing fields anchored to a moving object predict homing direction during path-integration-based behavior. bioRxiv 2022.09.30.510268; doi: …

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How the brain generalize prior knowledge to solve novel problems by abstracting common structure and mapping it onto new sensorimotor specifics?

Samborska, V., Butler, J.L., Walton, M.E. et al. Complementary task representations in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex for generalizing the structure of problems. Nat Neurosci (2022).

Humans and other animals effortlessly generalize prior knowledge to solve novel

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How the frequency and duration of odor encounters shape the navigational decisions of freely walking Drosophila?

Aarti Sehdev, Viraaj Jayaram, Nirag Kadakia, Ethan Brown, Thierry Emonet. Novelty detection and multiple timescale integration drive Drosophila orientation dynamics in temporally diverse olfactory environments. bioRxiv 2022.09.28.509840; doi:

“To survive, insects must effectively navigate odors plumes to …

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How to build a cognitive map?

Whittington, J.C.R., McCaffary, D., Bakermans, J.J.W. et al. How to build a cognitive map. Nat Neurosci (2022).

“Learning and interpreting the structure of the environment is an innate feature of biological systems, and is integral to guiding …

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How hippocampal cellular diversity relates to the different hippocampal network computations that support memory-guided behavior?

Ryan E Harvey, Heath L Robinson, Can Liu, Azahara Oliva, Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz. Hippocampo-cortical circuits for selective memory encoding, routing, and replay. bioRxiv 2022.09.25.509420; doi:

“Traditionally considered a homogeneous cell type, hippocampal pyramidal cells have been recently shown

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How the brain uses diverse sensory information to generate a stable directional representation of space?

Kadjita Asumbisa, Adrien Peyrache & Stuart Trenholm. Flexible cue anchoring strategies enable stable head direction coding in both sighted and blind animals. Nat Commun 13, 5483 (2022).

Vision plays a crucial role in instructing the brain’s

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What’s the neural dynamics for landmark orientation and angular path integration?

Seelig, J., Jayaraman, V. Neural dynamics for landmark orientation and angular path integration. Nature 521, 186–191 (2015).

Many animals navigate using a combination of visual landmarks and path integration. In mammalian brains, head direction cells

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