Category: Cognitive Navigation

How does the mammalian brain represent goal locations?

Nils Nyberg, Éléonore Duvelle, Caswell Barry, Hugo J. Spiers. Spatial goal coding in the hippocampal formation. Neuron, January 14, 2022. DOI:

“The mammalian hippocampal formation contains several distinct populations of neurons involved in representing self-position and orientation. These …

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How the brain uses diverse sensory information to generate a stable directional representation of space?

Kadjita Asumbisa, Adrien Peyrache, Stuart Trenholm. Flexible cue anchoring strategies enable stable head direction coding in both sighted and blind animalsdoi:

Vision plays a crucial role in instructing the brain’s spatial navigation systems

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How velocity cues with time-varying reliabilities are integrated into an evolving position estimate over prolonged time periods, and how the brain builds internal models inferring when cues ought to be integrated versus segregated?

Jean-Paul Noel and Dora E. Angelaki. Cognitive, Systems, and Computational Neurosciences of the Self in Motion. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 73:103-129 (Volume publication date January 2022).

Navigating by path integration requires continuously estimating one’s self-motion.

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Whether grid cell networks show continuous attractor dynamics, and how they interface with inputs from the environment?

Richard J. Gardner, Erik Hermansen, Marius Pachitariu, Yoram Burak, Nils A. Baas, Benjamin A. Dunn, May-Britt Moser & Edvard I. Moser. Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Nature (2022).

“The medial entorhinal cortex is part …

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How are neural representations of space used in the service of both real-world navigation and internal mnemonic processes?

Wenbo Tang and Shantanu P. JadhavMultiple-Timescale Representations of Space: Linking Memory to Navigation. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Vol. 45:- (Volume publication date July 2022). Review in Advance first posted online on December 22, 2021. (Changes may still …

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Why are our conceptions of space and time intertwined with memory in the hippocampal formation?

Lynn Nadel. The hippocampal formation and action at a distance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Dec 2021, 118 (51) e2119670118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2119670118


“Why is it that the same neural system is so intimately involved in aspects …

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How is the sense of space properly updated when travelling and heading angles differ?

Cheng Lyu, L. F. Abbott & Gaby Maimon. Building an allocentric travelling direction signal via vector computationNature (2021).

“Many behavioural tasks require the manipulation of mathematical vectors, but, outside of computational models1,2,3,4,5,6,7, it is not known

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