Category: Cognitive Navigation

How does the brain map future navigational goals?

Raunak Basu, Robert Gebauer, Tim Herfurth, Simon Kolb, Zahra Golipour, Tatjana Tchumatchenko & Hiroshi T. Ito. The orbitofrontal cortex maps future navigational goals. Nature (2021).

Accurate navigation to a desired goal requires consecutive estimates of spatial

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How does the hippocampus of flying owls encode 3D space?

Arpit Agarwal, Ayelet Sarel, Dori Derdikman, Nachum Ulanovsky, Yoram Gutfreund. Spatial coding in the hippocampus of flying owls. bioRxiv 2021.10.24.465553; doi:

“The elucidation of spatial coding in the hippocampus requires exploring diverse animal species. While robust place-cells …

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How does the human brain encode global and local head direction?

J. P. Shine, T. Wolbers. Global and Local Head Direction Coding in the Human Brain. bioRxiv 2021.10.11.463872; doi:

“Orientation-specific head direction (HD) cells increase their firing rate to indicate one’s facing direction in the environment. Rodent studies

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How hippocampal ensembles combine multimodal sensory cues?

Dustin Fetterhoff, Andrey Sobolev, Christian Leibold. Graded remapping of hippocampal ensembles under sensory conflicts. Cell Reports, Volume 36, Issue 11, 2021.

Hippocampal place cells are thought to constitute a cognitive map of space derived from multimodal sensory

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How Do We Find Our Way?

Moser M (2021) How Do We Find Our Way? Grid Cells in the Brain. Front. Young Minds. 9:678725. doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.678725

Navigation in the environment, getting from one place to another, is one of the most fundamental and

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What are the spatial and temporal scales of brain-wide neuronal activity, and how do activities at different scales interact?

Evan S Schaffer, Neeli Mishra, Matthew R Whiteway, Wenze Li, Michelle B Vancura, Jason Freedman, Kripa B Patel, Venkatakaushik Voleti, Liam Paninski, Elizabeth M. C. Hillman, LF Abbott, Richard Axel. Flygenvectors: The spatial and temporal structure of neural activity across

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How the time is encoded in rat dorsolateral striatum?

Alessandro Toso, Sebastian Reinartz, Francesca Pulecchi, Mathew E. Diamond. Time coding in rat dorsolateral striatum. Neuron, 2021,

To assess the role of dorsolateral striatum (DLS) in time coding, we recorded neuronal activity in rats tasked with

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