Category: Cognitive Navigation

How do grid cells encode local head direction?

Klara Gerlei, Jessica Passlack, Ian Hawes, Brianna Vandrey, Holly Stevens, Ioannis Papastathopoulos, Matthew F. Nolan. Grid cells encode local head direction. bioRxiv 681312; doi:

Grid and head direction codes represent cognitive spaces for navigation and memory

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How do multiple head direction cells work in different brain regions?

Robert GK Munn, Lisa M Giocomo. Multiple head direction signals within entorhinal cortex: origin and function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Volume 64, 2020, Pages 32-40.


Directional signals in mammals arise from vestibular inputs and ascend to cortex

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Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex

Andrew S. Alexander, Lucas C. Carstensen, James R. Hinman, Florian Raudies, G. William Chapman and Michael E. Hasselmo. Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex. SCIENCE ADVANCES21 FEB 2020 : EAAZ2322

“The retrosplenial cortex is reciprocally connected …

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How do spatial maps work in olfactory cortex during olfactory navigation?

Cindy Poo, Gautam Agarwal, Niccolò Bonacchi, Zachary Mainen. Spatial maps in olfactory cortex during olfactory navigation
bioRxiv 2020.02.18.935494; doi:

Animals rely on chemical signals to forage for food, shelter, and mates. Such behaviors call for odor

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How does the human brain encode distance and direction underlie navigation of a novel semantic space?

Simone Viganò, Manuela Piazza. Distance and direction codes underlie navigation of a novel semantic space in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 14 February 2020, 1849-19; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1849-19.2020

A recent proposal posits that humans might use the

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How do the brain circuits work in encoding, retrieval and discrimination of episodic memories?

Hainmueller, T., Bartos, M. Dentate gyrus circuits for encoding, retrieval and discrimination of episodic memories. Nat Rev Neurosci (2020).

The dentate gyrus (DG) has a key role in hippocampal memory formation. Intriguingly, DG lesions impair …

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How to unlock the secrets of three-dimensional navigation in the brains of bats?

Ziying Fu, Jia Tang, Qicai Chen. Neuroscientists are questing to unlock the secrets of three-dimensional navigation in the brains of bats. In Journal of Chinese Science Bulletin, Dec 13, 2019.

Unlocking the secrets of spatial orientation

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