Category: Cognitive Navigation

How the head direction circuit is integrated within the spatial navigation system?

Peyrache, Adrien, Adrian J. Duszkiewicz, Guillaume Viejo, and Sandybel Angeles-Duran. “Thalamocortical processing of the head-direction sense.” Progress in neurobiology (2019): 101693.

“Our thoughts and sensations are examples of cognitive processes that emerge from the collective activity of …

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How to use bioinspired sonar reflectors as guiding beacons for autonomous navigation

Ralph Simon, Stefan Rupitsch, Markus Baumann, Huan Wu, Herbert Peremans, Jan Steckel. Bioinspired sonar reflectors as guiding beacons for autonomous navigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jan 2020, 201909890; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1909890117

“Artificial landmarks are widely used …

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What’s the neural basis of predictive pursuit?

Yoo, S.B.M., Tu, J.C., Piantadosi, S.T. et al. The neural basis of predictive pursuit. Nat Neurosci (2020) doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0561-6

It remains unclear whether and, if so, how nonhuman animals make on-the-fly predictions during pursuit. Here we used …

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What we have learned so far about the features of memory, including memory formation, retrieval over time, and loss?

Sheena A. Josselyn, Susumu Tonegawa. Memory engrams: Recalling the past and imagining the future. Science, 03 Jan 2020:Vol. 367, Issue 6473, eaaw4325. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw4325

“The ability to form memory is an essential trait that allows learning and the accumulation …

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How the human brain codes for current remote spatial target locations?

Tsitsiklis, Melina, Jonathan Miller, Salman E. Qasim, Cory S. Inman, Robert E. Gross, Jon R. Willie, Elliot H. Smith et al. “Single-neuron representations of spatial memory targets in humans.” BioRxiv (2019): 523753.

• Epilepsy patients performed a …

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How humans track their location?

Harootonian, Sevan, Robert C. Wilson, Lukáš Hejtmánek, Elijah Ziskin, and Arne Ekstrom. “Path integration in large-scale space and with novel geometries: Comparing Vector Addition and Encoding-Error Models.” bioRxiv (2019): 809012.

Path integration is thought to rely

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Whether self‐reported navigation ability is related to information transfer between optic flow‐sensitive (OF‐sensitive) cortical regions and regions important to navigation during environmental spatial tasks?

Zajac, Lauren, Heather Burte, Holly A. Taylor, and Ronald Killiany. “Self‐reported navigation ability is associated with optic flow‐sensitive regions’ functional connectivity patterns during visual path integration.” Brain and behavior 9, no. 4 (2019): e01236.

“Spatial navigation …

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