Category: Cognitive Navigation

How olfactory landmarks and path integration converge to form a cognitive spatial map?

Walter M Fischler, Narendra Joshi, Virginia Devi-Chou, Lacey Kitch, Mark Schnitzer, Larry F Abbott, Richard Axel. Olfactory Landmarks and Path Integration Converge to Form a Cognitive Spatial Map. bioRxiv 752360; doi:

The convergence of internal path

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How does place cell network pattern develop with experience?

Soyoun KimDajung JungSebastien Royer. Place cell map genesis via competitive learning and conjunctive coding in the dentate gyrus

Place cells exhibit spatially selective firing fields and collectively map the

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How do neurons encode long-term memories?

Gonzalez, Walter G., Hanwen Zhang, Anna Harutyunyan, and Carlos Lois. “Persistence of neuronal representations through time and damage in the hippocampus.” Science 23 Aug 2019:Vol. 365, Issue 6455, pp. 821-825 DOI: 10.1126/science.aav9199

How do neurons encode

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How the entorhinal cortex supports landmark-based navigation and path integration

Chen, Xiaoli, Paula Vieweg, and Thomas Wolbers. “Computing distance information from landmarks and self-motion cues-Differential contributions of anterior-lateral vs. posterior-medial entorhinal cortex in humans.” NeuroImage (2019): 116074.

Landmarks and path integration cues are two important sources

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How the brain encode and retrieve information about where, what, when?

Jørgen Sugar and May‐Britt Moser. Episodic memory: Neuronal codes for what, where, and when. Hippocampus. 2019; 1– 16.

“Episodic memory is defined as the ability to recall events in a spatiotemporal context. Formation of such memories is …

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How heading neurons in the Drosophila central complex guide moment-to-moment navigational behavior?

Jonathan Green, Vikram Vijayan, Peter Mussells Pires, Atsuko Adachi & Gaby Maimon. A neural heading estimate is compared with an internal goal to guide oriented navigation. Nature Neuroscience, 22 July 2019.

Goal-directed navigation is thought to

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How to enable robots to navigate the moon?

A latest IEEE Spectrum Report titled ‘Robots Will Navigate the Moon With Maps They Make Themselves‘ by Prachi Patel has been published. 

Astrobotic’s autonomous navigation will help lunar landers, rovers, and drones find their way on the moon. …

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