Category: Cognitive Navigation

Neuromorphic Stereo Vision for Biologically Plausible Robots

Lea Steffen, Daniel Reichard, Jakob Weinland, Jacques Kaiser, Arne Roennau and Rüdiger Dillmann. Neuromorphic Stereo Vision: a Survey of Bio-inspired Sensors and Algorithms. Front. Neurorobot. | doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2019.00028

Anstract: Any visual sensor, whether artificial or biological, maps the 3D-world …

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The internal maps of insects

Webb, Barbara. “The internal maps of insects.” Journal of Experimental Biology 222, no. Suppl 1 (2019): jeb188094.


Insect navigation is strikingly geometric. Many species use path integration to maintain an accurate estimate of their distance and direction

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Visual navigation in insects and robots

Visual navigation in insects and robots by Barbara Webb, Professor of Biorobotics, University of Edinburgh. She will give a keynote talk at 11th Vision Researchers Colloquium, 8 July, led by Bristol Vision Institute, in partnership with the …

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How ants navigate within their dark nest

Heyman, Y., Vilk, Y., & Feinerman, O. (2019). Ants use multiple spatial memories and chemical pointers to navigate their nest. iScience.

• Heyman et al. combine multiple technologies to study how ants navigate within their dark nest

• …

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The Integration of Goal-Directed Signals onto Spatial Maps of Hippocampal Place Cells

Aoki, Yuki, Hideyoshi Igata, Yuji Ikegaya, and Takuya Sasaki. “The Integration of Goal-Directed Signals onto Spatial Maps of Hippocampal Place Cells.” Cell Reports 27, no. 5 (2019): 1516-1527.

Spatial firing of hippocampal place cells varies depending on the …

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ViTa-SLAM: Biologically-Inspired Visuo-Tactile SLAM

Struckmeier, Oliver, Kshitij Tiwari, Martin J. Pearson, and Ville Kyrki. “ViTa-SLAM: Biologically-Inspired Visuo-Tactile SLAM.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05667 (2019).

Abstract— In this work, Struckmeier et al. propose a novel, bio-inspired multisensory SLAM approach called ViTa-SLAM. Compared to

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Attractor Dynamics and Embodiment of Neural Computing (Neuromorphic SLAM)

Yulia Sandamirskaya. Attractor Dynamics and Embodiment of Neural Computing. Presented at  Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2019). 

Dr. Sandamirskaya talked about attractor dynamics and neuromorphic SLAM. The talks introduced head direction cells models based on neuromorphic hardware. How …

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