Tag: Egocentric

How does the brain implement allocentric-egocentric coordinate transformation to guide navigation behavior?

Joeri BG van Wijngaarden, Susanne S Babl, Hiroshi T Ito. Entorhinal-retrosplenial circuits for allocentric-egocentric transformation of boundary coding. Elife. 2020 Nov 3;9:e59816. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59816. PMID: 33138915.

Spatial navigation requires landmark coding from two perspectives, relying on viewpoint-invariant

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How does the human brain encode egocentric (self-centered) spatial information?

Lukas Kunz, Armin Brandt, Peter C. Reinacher, Bernhard P. Staresina, Eric T. Reifenstein, Christoph T. Weidemann, Nora A. Herweg, Melina Tsitsiklis, Richard Kempter, Michael J. Kahana, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Joshua Jacobs. A neural code of egocentric spatial information in human medial

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How the brain performs egocentric-to-allocentric transformations?

Cheng Wang, Xiaojing Chen, James J Knierim. Egocentric and allocentric representations of space in the rodent brain, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 60, 2020, Pages 12-20,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2019.11.005.


“Spatial signals are prevalent within the hippocampus and its neighboring regions. It …

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How the brain performs spatial coordinate transforms for navigation?

Rolls, ET. Spatial coordinate transforms linking the allocentric hippocampal and egocentric parietal primate brain systems for memory, action in space, and navigation. Hippocampus. 2019; 1– 22. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23171

“A theory and model of spatial coordinate transforms in the dorsal …

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