Tag: Episodic Memory

How dose the human brain integrate information about past temporal and cognitive contexts

Halle R Dimsdale-Zucker, Maria E Montchal, Zachariah M Reagh, Shao-Fang Wang, Laura A Libby, Charan R Ranganath. Hippocampal subfields integrate information about past temporal and cognitive contexts. bioRxiv 766311; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/766311

“The hippocampus plays a critical role in …

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How the brain encode and retrieve information about where, what, when?

Jørgen Sugar and May‐Britt Moser. Episodic memory: Neuronal codes for what, where, and when. Hippocampus. 2019; 1– 16. https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23132

“Episodic memory is defined as the ability to recall events in a spatiotemporal context. Formation of such memories is …

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Whether the established neural signature of spatial memory and navigation – MTL theta oscillations – are also present during the retrieval of relational verbal memory

Solomon, Ethan A., Bradley C. Lega, Michael R. Sperling, and Michael J. Kahana. “Hippocampal theta codes for distances in semantic and temporal spaces.” bioRxiv (2019): 611681.


The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is known to support episodic memory …

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【Latest Papers】Cognitive Navigation by Neuro-Inspired Localization, Mapping and Episodic Memory

Abstract One of the important topics in the study of robotic cognition is to enable robot to perceive, plan and react to situations in a real-world environment. We present a novel angle on this subject, by integrating active navigation with …

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