Tag: hippocampal

How hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location?

Adi Doron, Alon Rubin, Aviya Benmelech-Chovav, Netai Benaim, Tom Carmi, Ron Refaeli, Nechama Novick, Tirzah Kreisel, Yaniv Ziv & Inbal Goshen. Hippocampal astrocytes encode reward location. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05146-6

“Astrocytic calcium dynamics has been implicated in the encoding …

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How hippocampal CA2 processes spatial novelty?

Bhasin, Guncha, and Indrajith R. Nair. “Dynamic hippocampal CA2 responses to contextual spatial novelty.” Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience: 79, 2022


“Hippocampal place cells are functional units of spatial navigation and are present in all subregions: CA1, CA2, …

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How does the hippocampus and its constituent pathways support novel category learning?

Jelena Sučević, Anna C. Schapiro. A neural network model of hippocampal contributions to category learning. bioRxiv 2022.01.12.476051; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.12.476051

“In addition to its critical role in encoding individual episodes, the hippocampus is capable of extracting regularities across experiences. …

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How does the mammalian brain represent goal locations?

Nils Nyberg, Éléonore Duvelle, Caswell Barry, Hugo J. Spiers. Spatial goal coding in the hippocampal formation. Neuron, January 14, 2022. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2021.12.012

“The mammalian hippocampal formation contains several distinct populations of neurons involved in representing self-position and orientation. These …

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How do cognitive maps support hierarchical planning at multiple scales for large-scale navigation?

Iva K. Brunec and Ida Momennejad. Predictive Representations in Hippocampal and Prefrontal Hierarchies. Journal of Neuroscience 19 November 2021, JN-RM-1327-21; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1327-21.2021

“As we navigate the world, we use learned representations of relational structures to explore and to …

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How the hippocampal spatial memory representations is maintained?

Samuel J Levy, Nathaniel R Kinsky, William Mau, David W Sullivan, Michael E Hasselmo. Hippocampal spatial memory representations in mice are heterogeneously stable. bioRxiv 843037; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/843037

The population of hippocampal neurons actively coding space continually changes

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How memories are encoded in the brain?

Rodrigo Quian Quiroga. Plugging in to Human Memory: Advantages, Challenges, and Insights from Human Single-Neuron Recordings.Cell. Volume 179, Issue 5, 14 November 2019, Pages 1015-1032.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.016

We describe single-neuron recordings in the human hippocampal formation, performed in epileptic …

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