Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
Patel RN, Roberts NS, Kempenaers J, Zadel A, Heinze S. Parallel vector memories in the brain of a bee as foundation for flexible navigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 Jul 23;121(30):e2402509121.
“Insects navigate by …
Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci 27, 1599–1608 (2024).
“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external …
Dubanet, O. and Higley, M.J., 2024. Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex. Cell Reports, 43(7).
“The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms supporting …
Horrocks, E.A.B., Rodrigues, F.R. & Saleem, A.B. Flexible neural population dynamics govern the speed and stability of sensory encoding in mouse visual cortex. Nat Commun 15, 6415 (2024).
“Time courses of neural responses underlie real-time sensory processing …
Irina Barnaveli, Simone Viganò, Daniel Reznik, Patrick Haggard, Christian F. Doeller. Hippocampal-entorhinal cognitive maps and cortical motor system represent action plans and their outcomes. bioRxiv 2024.07.04.602119; doi:
“Efficiently interacting with the environment requires weighing and selecting among …
Dubanet, Olivier, and Michael J. Higley. “Retrosplenial inputs drive visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex.” Cell Reports 43.7 (2024).
“The importance of visual cues for navigation and goal-directed behavior is well established, although the neural mechanisms …
Snyder, M.C., Qi, K.K. & Yartsev, M.M. Neural representation of human experimenters in the bat hippocampus. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Here we conducted wireless electrophysiological recording of hippocampal neurons from Egyptian fruit bats in the presence of human …
Madhav, M.S., Jayakumar, R.P., Li, B.Y. et al. Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Hippocampal place cells are influenced by both self-motion (idiothetic) signals and external sensory …
Martin Seeber, Matthias Stangl, Mauricio Vallejo, Uros Topalovic, Sonja Hiller, Casey H. Halpern, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Vikram R. Rao, Itzhak Fried, Dawn Eliashiv, Nanthia Suthana. Human neural dynamics of real-world and imagined navigation. bioRxiv 2024.05.23.595237; doi:
“The …
Bigus, E.R., Lee, HW., Bowler, J.C. et al. Medial entorhinal cortex mediates learning of context-dependent interval timing behavior. Nat Neurosci (2024).
“Episodic memory requires encoding the temporal structure of experience and relies on brain circuits in …
Dan, Chuntao, Brad K. Hulse, Ramya Kappagantula, Vivek Jayaraman and Ann M. Hermundstad. “A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation.” Neuron (2024): DOI:
“Anchoring goals to spatial representations enables flexible navigation but is …
Neupane, S., Fiete, I. & Jazayeri, M. Mental navigation in the primate entorhinal cortex. Nature (2024).
“A cognitive map is a suitably structured representation that enables novel computations using previous experience; for example, planning a …
Jae-Hyun Kim, Kayvon Daie, Nuo Li. A combinatorial neural code for long-term motor memory. bioRxiv 2024.06.05.597627; doi:
“Motor skill repertoire can be stably retained over long periods, but the neural mechanism underlying stable memory storage remains …
Bo Zhang, Jia Liu. The spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation. bioRxiv 2022.01.29.478346; doi:
“To achieve the computational goal of navigating in both physical and mental spaces, human brain employs a cognitive map constructed by …
Ling L. Dong, and Ila R. Fiete. Grid Cells in Cognition: Mechanisms and Function. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2024. 47:345–68.
“The activity patterns of grid cells form distinctively regular triangular lattices over the explored spatial environment and are …
Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
New discovery worth spreading on brain-inspired navigation in neurorobotics and neuroscience