Tag: Hippocampus

Whether place cells encode the angular and linear position as well as motion direction of a simple stimulus, regardless of self-motion, memory or reward?

Chinmay S. Purandare, Shonali Dhingra, Rodrigo Rios, Cliff Vuong, Thuc To, Ayaka Hachisuka, Krishna Choudhary & Mayank R. Mehta. Moving bar of light evokes vectorial spatial selectivity in the immobile rat hippocampus. Nature (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04404-x

“Visual cortical neurons …

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What is the principle of the functional circuit interactions between LEC and the hippocampus?

Olesia M Bilash, Spyridon Chavlis, Panayiota Poirazi, Jayeeta Basu. Lateral entorhinal cortex inputs modulate hippocampal dendritic excitability by recruiting a local disinhibitory microcircuit. bioRxiv 2022.01.13.476247; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.13.476247

The lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) provides information about multi-sensory environmental

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How does the hippocampus represent 3D space in past, present and future?

Nicholas M. Dotson and Michael M. Yartsev. Nonlocal spatiotemporal representation in the hippocampus of freely flying bats. SCIENCE 09 JUL 2021 : 242-247

“The neural code for 3D map–based navigation in area CA1 of bats forms a continuum through …

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What is the neural code for very large spaces?

Eliav T, Maimon SR, Aljadeff J, Tsodyks M, Ginosar G, Las L & Ulanovsky N, Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats, Science 372, eabg4020 (2021). PDF | News&Views: Wood & Dudchenko

“Hippocampal …

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How do time cells in the human hippocampus and entorhinal cortex support episodic memory?

Gray Umbach, Pranish Kantak, Joshua Jacobs, Michael Kahana, Brad E. Pfeiffer, Michael Sperling, Bradley Lega. Time cells in the human hippocampus and entorhinal cortex support episodic memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2020, 117 (45) 28463-28474; …

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How does the monkey brain represent what and when conjunctively during anassociative memory task?

Cruzado NA, Tiganj Z, Brincat SL, Miller EK, Howard MW. Conjunctive representation of what and when in monkey hippocampus and lateral prefrontal cortex during an associative memory task. Hippocampus. 2020 Dec;30(12):1332-1346. doi: 10.1002/hipo.23282.

Adaptive memory requires the

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How do place cells and grid cells represent position across multiple environments with joint attractor dynamics?

Agmon, Haggai, and Yoram Burak. “A theory of joint attractor dynamics in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex accounts for artificial remapping and grid cell field-to-field variability.” eLife 9 (2020): e56894.

The representation of position in

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