Tag: Path Integration

How olfactory landmarks and path integration converge to form a cognitive spatial map?

Walter M Fischler, Narendra Joshi, Virginia Devi-Chou, Lacey Kitch, Mark Schnitzer, Larry F Abbott, Richard Axel. Olfactory Landmarks and Path Integration Converge to Form a Cognitive Spatial Map. bioRxiv 752360; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/752360

The convergence of internal path

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How the entorhinal cortex supports landmark-based navigation and path integration

Chen, Xiaoli, Paula Vieweg, and Thomas Wolbers. “Computing distance information from landmarks and self-motion cues-Differential contributions of anterior-lateral vs. posterior-medial entorhinal cortex in humans.” NeuroImage (2019): 116074.

Landmarks and path integration cues are two important sources

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How is information about location, direction, and distance integrated in the grid cell network?

Sargolini, Francesca, Marianne Fyhn, Torkel Hafting, Bruce L. McNaughton, Menno P. Witter, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard I. Moser. “Conjunctive representation of position, direction, and velocity in entorhinal cortex.” Science 312, no. 5774 (2006): 758-762.

Grid cells in …

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Neural dynamics indicate parallel integration of environmental and self-motion information by place and grid cells

Laptev, Dmitri, and Neil Burgess. “Neural dynamics indicate parallel integration of environmental and self-motion information by place and grid cells.” bioRxiv (2019): 640144.

Place cells and grid cells in the hippocampal formation are thought to integrate sensory …

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The internal maps of insects

Webb, Barbara. “The internal maps of insects.” Journal of Experimental Biology 222, no. Suppl 1 (2019): jeb188094.


Insect navigation is strikingly geometric. Many species use path integration to maintain an accurate estimate of their distance and direction

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Principles of insect path integration

Heinze, Stanley, Ajay Narendra, and Allen Cheung. “Principles of insect path integration.” Current Biology 28, no. 17 (2018): R1043-R1058.

Continuously monitoring its position in space relative to a goal is one of the most essential tasks for …

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How insects could store and recall path integration vectors to follow food-ward paths, take shortcuts, search at the feeder and re-calibrate their vector-memories with experience?

Le Moël, Florent, Thomas Jonathan Stone, Mathieu Lihoreau, Antoine Wystrach, and Barbara Webb. “The central complex as a potential substrate for vector based navigation.” Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2019): 690.

Fig from Le Moël et al. 2019.


The …

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