How heading neurons in the Drosophila central complex guide moment-to-moment navigational behavior?

Jonathan Green, Vikram Vijayan, Peter Mussells Pires, Atsuko Adachi & Gaby Maimon. A neural heading estimate is compared with an internal goal to guide oriented navigation. Nature Neuroscience, 22 July 2019.

Goal-directed navigation is thought to

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How to enable robots to navigate the moon?

A latest IEEE Spectrum Report titled ‘Robots Will Navigate the Moon With Maps They Make Themselves‘ by Prachi Patel has been published. 

Astrobotic’s autonomous navigation will help lunar landers, rovers, and drones find their way on the moon. …

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How does the brain process spatial coordinate system transformations?

Andrew Alexander, Lucas Carstensen, James Hinman, Florian Raudies, G. William Chapman, Michael Hasselmo. Egocentric boundary vector tuning of the retrosplenial cortex. bioRxiv 702712; doi:


” The retrosplenial cortex is reciprocally connected with a majority of structures implicated …

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How does rat place cells encode 3D volumetric space?

Roddy M Grieves, Selim Jedidi-Ayoub, Karyna Mishchanchuk, Anyi Liu, Sophie Renaudineau, Kate J Jeffery. The place-cell representation of volumetric space in rats.

“Place cells are spatially modulated neurons found in the hippocampus that underlie …

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How does the brain transform egocentric information into an allocentric spatial reference frame?

Patrick A. LaChance, Travis P. Todd, Jeffrey S. Taube. A sense of space in postrhinal cortex. Science 12 Jul 2019: Vol. 365, Issue 6449, eaax4192 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax4192

“A topographic representation of local space is critical for navigation and …

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How does the 3D neural compass work in the mouse brain?

Angelaki, Dora E., Julia Ng, Amada M. Abrego, Henry X. Cham, J. D. Dickman, and Jean Laurens. “A gravity-based three-dimensional compass in the mouse brain.” bioRxiv (2019): 570382.

“Head direction cells in the mammalian limbic system are …

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Are there different kinds of head direction cells in the brain?

Dudchenko, Paul A., Emma R. Wood, and Anna Smith. “A new perspective on the head direction cell system and spatial behavior.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (2019).

• Damage to the head direction circuit produces only modest impairments …

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