Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
The excerpt note is about the novel approach of learning to navigate proposed by DeepMind research team in past few period of time.
How did you learn to navigate the neighborhood of your childhood, to go to a friend’s house, …
The excerpt note is some relevant references about 2.5D SLAM inspired by the brain, which is expanded from the RatSLAM system.
Guth F. A. et. al. present an Hippo 3D (DolphinSLAM), expanded from the RatSLAM system, which was initially designed …
Real-world applications in GPS-denied environments require robust mapping and perception techniques to enable mobile systems to autonomously navigate complex 3D environments.
Robotic environments are in general 3D, involving translation in three directions, x, y, and z, and rotation around three …
The 2nd Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium (iNav 2018) was held in June 2018 in Québec, Canada, organized by Jeffery Taube, Thomas Wolbers, Kate Jeffery, Laure Rondi-Reig, David Dickman, Mayank Mehta. The meeting aims to bring together a diverse group of scientists …
The excerpt note is about twenty important mechanistic questions related to long-distance animal navigation from Mouritsen, H. (2018).
Mouritsen, H. (2018). Long-distance navigation and magnetoreception in migratory animals. Nature, 558(7708), 50.
Abstract: For centuries, humans have been fascinated by …
The first book to comprehensively explore the cognitive foundations of human spatial navigation.
Arne D. Ekstrom, Hugo J. Spiers, Véronique D. Bohbot & R. Shayna Rosenbaum
Hardcover 2018 55.00 43.00 ISBN9780691171746 216 pp. 7 x 10 20 color + 40 …
The excerpt note is about how to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio by using patch normalization in each image to enhance edge information and eliminate image intensity variation from Edward P. et al. IJRR 2016.
Patch normalization is performed by …
Brain Inspired Navigation Blog
New discovery worth spreading on brain-inspired navigation in neurorobotics and neuroscience