Category: Bio-Inspired Robotics

How 3D grid cells encode 3D physical space in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D grid cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2019 

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Can we study 3D grid codes non-invasively in the

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How three-dimensional (3D) direction information is encoded in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D head direction cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2018.

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Encoding of 3D head direction information in the

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What if we could design an autonomous flying robot with the navigational and learning abilities of a honeybee?

Some brief introduction about  the project ‘Brains on Board: Neuromorphic Control of Flying Robots’  

What if we could design an autonomous flying robot with the navigational and learning abilities of a honeybee? Such a computationally and energy-efficient autonomous …

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Brain-inspired dynamic path replanning in autonomous navigation for robotic swarms

What do animal brains have in common with a swarm of robots? 

In an effort to improve robotic swarming algorithms, an interdisciplinary team of scientists will study how the brain allows an animal to navigate and change its route while …

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Animals Teach Robots to Find Their Way

By Chris Edwards
Communications of the ACM, August 2018, Vol. 61 No. 8, Pages 14-16. 10.1145/3231168

Mammalian research has underpinned the key models used in robot development. Analogs of neural networks found in the rat’s brain underpin the most widespread

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How do bats navigate in 3D environments?

The excerpt note is about bat navigation from Yovel & Ulanvosky 2017.

Yovel, Yossi, and Nachum Ulanvosky. “1.18 Bat Navigation.” Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference (2017): 333.

Navigation, the capacity to plan and execute a goal-directed path,

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Biologically inspired visual odometry based on the computational model of grid cells

A biologically inspired visual odometry based on the computational model of grid cells, which is developed based on the the source code of the computational model of grid cells:, and LIBVISO2:, by Huimin Lu, Junhao Xiao, …

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