Category: Spatial Cognition

What’s the neural basis of predictive pursuit?

Yoo, S.B.M., Tu, J.C., Piantadosi, S.T. et al. The neural basis of predictive pursuit. Nat Neurosci (2020) doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0561-6

It remains unclear whether and, if so, how nonhuman animals make on-the-fly predictions during pursuit. Here we used …

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How humans track their location?

Harootonian, Sevan, Robert C. Wilson, Lukáš Hejtmánek, Elijah Ziskin, and Arne Ekstrom. “Path integration in large-scale space and with novel geometries: Comparing Vector Addition and Encoding-Error Models.” bioRxiv (2019): 809012.

Path integration is thought to rely

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Whether self‐reported navigation ability is related to information transfer between optic flow‐sensitive (OF‐sensitive) cortical regions and regions important to navigation during environmental spatial tasks?

Zajac, Lauren, Heather Burte, Holly A. Taylor, and Ronald Killiany. “Self‐reported navigation ability is associated with optic flow‐sensitive regions’ functional connectivity patterns during visual path integration.” Brain and behavior 9, no. 4 (2019): e01236.

“Spatial navigation …

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How different sensory streams are integrated to drive spatial navigation in the brain?

Currier, Timothy A., and Katherine I. Nagel. “Multisensory control of navigation in the fruit fly.” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 64 (2020): 10-16.

Spatial navigation is influenced by cues from nearly every sensory modality and thus provides an …

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How persistent states are maintained in the brain?

Marques, J.C., Li, M., Schaak, D. et al. Internal state dynamics shape brainwide activity and foraging behaviour. Nature (2019) doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1858-z

The brain has persistent internal states that can modulate every aspect of an animal’s mental experience1,2,3,4. …

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How does the primate hippocampus represent objects and space during virtual navigation?

Gulli, Roberto A., Lyndon R. Duong, Benjamin W. Corrigan, Guillaume Doucet, Sylvain Williams, Stefano Fusi, and Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo. “Context-dependent representations of objects and space in the primate hippocampus during virtual navigation.” Nature Neuroscience 23, no. 1 (2020): …

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Recent progress in the study of the head direction cell network: attractor dynamics, integration within the navigation system, and three-dimensional properties

Dora E Angelaki, Jean Laurens. The head direction cell network: attractor dynamics, integration within the navigation system, and three-dimensional properties. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 60, 2020, Pages 136-144, ISSN 0959-4388,

•Head Direction Cells form an attractor …

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