Category: Episodic Memory

Whether, and how, replay supports both future planning and preserving memories of the past?

G. Elliott Wimmer, Yunzhe Liu, Daniel C. McNamee, and Raymond J. Dolan. Distinct replay signatures for prospective decision-making and memory preservation. PNAS, 120 (6) e2205211120, 2023. 

The sequential neural reactivation of prior experience, known as replay, is

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How episodic memories are stored within brains?

Sachin P Vaidya, Raymond A Chitwood, Jeffrey C Magee. The formation of an expanding memory representation in the hippocampus. bioRxiv 2023.02.01.526663; doi:

How episodic memories are stored within brains is poorly understood. While certain memory-retaining

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How does the cortex retrieve episodic memories from the hippocampus during memory consolidation?

HaoRan Chang, Ingrid M. Esteves, Adam R. Neumann, Majid H. Mohajerani, Bruce L. McNaughton. Cortical Reactivation of Non-Spatial and Spatial Memory Representations Coordinate with Hippocampus to Form a Memory Dialogue. bioRxiv 2022.12.16.520658; doi:

“Episodic memory depends on …

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Whether associative memory involves precisely timed spiking of neurons in the medial temporal lobes that exhibit stimulus-specific tuning?

Lukas Kunz, Bernhard P Staresina, Peter C Reinacher, Armin Brandt, Tim A Guth, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Joshua Jacobs. Ripple-locked coactivity of stimulus-specific neurons supports human associative memory. bioRxiv 2022.10.17.512635; doi:

Associative memory is the ability to encode

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How conjunctive and complementary CA1 hippocampal cell populations relate sensory events to immobility and locomotion?

Samsoon Inayat, Brendan B McAllister, Bruce L McNaughton, Ian Q Whishaw, Majid H Mohajerani. Conjunctive and complementary CA1 hippocampal cell populations relate sensory events to immobility and locomotion. bioRxiv 2022.07.06.498996; doi:

The way in which the

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How does the hippocampus and its constituent pathways support novel category learning?

Jelena Sučević, Anna C. Schapiro. A neural network model of hippocampal contributions to category learning. bioRxiv 2022.01.12.476051; doi:

“In addition to its critical role in encoding individual episodes, the hippocampus is capable of extracting regularities across experiences. …

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How does the hippocampus rapidly consolidates novel information for spatial navigation?

Brad E. Pfeiffer. Spatial learning drives rapid goal representation in hippocampal ripples without place field accumulation or goal-oriented theta sequences. Journal of Neuroscience 8 April 2022, JN-RM-2479-21; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2479-21.2022

The hippocampus is critical for rapid acquisition of

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