How does the secondary motor cortex transform spatial information into planned action during navigation?

Jacob M.Olson, Jamie K.Li, Sarah E.Montgomery, Douglas A.Nitz. Secondary Motor Cortex Transforms Spatial Information into Planned Action during Navigation. Current Biology, Volume 30, Issue 10, 18 May 2020, Pages 1845-1854.e4

Fluid navigation requires constant updating of planned movements to adapt to evolving obstacles and goals. For that reason, a neural substrate for navigation demands spatial and environmental information and the ability to effect actions through efferents. The secondary motor cortex (M2) is a prime candidate for this role given its interconnectivity with association cortices that encode spatial relationships and its projection to the primary motor cortex. Here, we report that M2 neurons robustly encode both planned and current left/right turning actions across multiple turn locations in a multi-route navigational task. Comparisons within a common statistical framework reveal that M2 neurons differentiate contextual factors, including environmental position, route, action sequence, orientation, and choice availability. Despite significant modulation by environmental factors, action planning, and execution are the dominant output signals of M2 neurons. These results identify the M2 as a structure integrating spatial information toward the updating of planned movements.”

Jacob M.Olson, Jamie K.Li, Sarah E.Montgomery, Douglas A.Nitz. Secondary Motor Cortex Transforms Spatial Information into Planned Action during Navigation. Current Biology, Volume 30, Issue 10, 18 May 2020, Pages 1845-1854.e4

Maria Lahr, Flavio Donato. Navigation: How Spatial Cognition Is Transformed into Action. Current Biology, Volume 30, Issue 10, 18 May 2020, Pages R430-R432