Category: Cognitive Navigation

Brain Mechanisms of Navigation in Physical and Cognitive Spaces

The following lectures are presented in the NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM : BRAIN MECHANISMS OF NAVIGATION IN PHYSICAL AND COGNITIVE SPACES at Central European University in August 31, 2017.

This is a special symposium with four outstanding scientist (three Nobel laureates and one Brain Prize winner)

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Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS)


DVS Overview

Dvs128AndEdvsWithCreditCardConventional vision sensors see the world as a series of frames. Successive frames contain enormous amounts of redundant information, wasting memory access, RAM, disk space, energy, computational power and time. In addition, each frame imposes the …

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HD Maps: New age maps powering autonomous vehicles

From GeospatialWorld  by   Harsha Vardhan   September 22, 2017

High Definition Maps or HD Maps are the new generation maps that are powering machines and self-driving cars & autonomous cars. Read this article to understand everything about HD Maps. Full credit for

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ETH ANYmal: a quadrupedal robot designed for autonomous operation in challenging environments

ANYmal is a quadrupedal robot designed for autonomous operation in challenging environments. Driven by special compliant and precisely torque controllable actuators, the system is capable of dynamic running and high-mobile climbing. Thanks to incorporated laser sensors and cameras, the robot …

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The Brain as a Multi-layered Map Scales and Reference Points for Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging


Margarita Zaleshina, Alexander Zaleshin

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia

(Zaleshina, terbiosorg)


The paper provides an overview of brain mapping in neuroscience and describe the application of spatial data processing techniques to represent the brain as …

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Bat brains: Studies of free-flying bats reveal nerve cells that enable complex navigation.

Bat brain signals illuminate navigation in the dark

brown bat

Read more in the Science News 

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Why Rat-Brained Robots Are So Good at Navigating Unfamiliar Terrain


Jean Kumagai   1 June, 2017   翻译:Fangwen Yu     原文链接:IEEE Spectrum


Photo: Dan Saelinger

 如果你把一只普通的棕色老鼠放在一个实验室的迷宫或地铁隧道里,它将立即开始探索周围的环境,嗅闻边缘,对着角落和障碍物,将其胡须刷在表面上。 过了一会儿,它会回到起步的地方,从此,它将把探索过的地形视为熟悉的环境。

机器人科学家长期以来一直梦想着给机器人创造类似的导航技能。 为了让机器人能够在我们的环境中变得更有用,机器人就必须具备在周围环境中靠自己寻路的能力。 有些机器人已经在家庭、办公室、仓库、医院、酒店以及自驾车,甚至整个城市范围内的环境中正在学习找路。尽管如此,这些机器人平台仍然难以在轻微挑战的条件下可靠地运行。 例如,自主驾驶车辆可能配备了复杂的传感器和前方道路的精细地图,但是司机仍然需要在大雨或下雪或夜间进行控制。

相比之下,棕色的老鼠是一个灵活的导航仪,在最恶劣的环境中也能找到路,比如在地下、地面等复杂情况下都没问题。 当一只老鼠探索一个不熟悉的区域时,在2克大脑中专门的神经元会放电或产生尖峰,对地标或边界产生响应。其他神经元以规则的距离形成尖峰, 每20厘米一次,每米一次等等,这样就形成一种空间的心理表征。还有其他的神经元就像一个内部的罗盘,记录着动物头部转动的方向。总而言之,这种神经活动允许大鼠记住它去过哪儿以及怎样到达那。 无论何时当沿着相同的道路行走,尖峰会加强,使大鼠的导航更加健壮。

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