MapGENIE: 基于众包数据的增强语法室内地图构建方法

MapGENIE: 基于众包数据的增强语法室内地图构建方法

MapGENIE:Grammar-enhanced Indoor Map Construction from Crowd-sourced Data






      Abstract-While location-based services are already well established in outdoor scenarios, they are still not available in indoor environments. The reason for this can be found in two open problems: First, there is still no off-the-shelf indoor positioning system for mobile devices and, second, indoor maps are not publicly available for most buildings. While there is an extensive body of work on the first problem, the efficient creation of indoor maps remains an open challenge.

      We tackle the indoor mapping challenge in our MapGENIE approach that automatically erives indoor maps from traces collected by pedestrians moving around in a building. Since the trace data is collected in the background from the pedestrians' mobile devices, MapGENIE avoids the labor-intensive task of traditional indoor map creation and increases the efficiency of indoor mapping. To enhance the map building process, MapGENIE leverages exterior information about the building and uses grammars to encode structural information about the building. Hence, in contrast to existing work, our approach works without any user interaction and only needs a small amount of traces to derive the indoor map of a building.

      To demonstrate the performance of MapGENIE, we implemented our system using Android and a foot-mounted IMU to collect traces from volunteers. We show that using our grammar approach, compared to a purely trace-based approach we can identify up to four times as many rooms in a building while at the same time achieving a consistently lower error in the size of detected rooms.

System architecture showing the backend system and its inputs to the individual components.


Overview of the Trace-based Modeling component



       类似的工作比如 CrowdInside [2] , FootSLAM [3] 和 SmartSLAM [15]。其中FootSLAM 利用绑在脚上的IMU传感器来构建可行走区域的室内地图,不区分走廊或者房间。为了不受复杂的外部IMU的约束,CrowdInside and SmartSLAM利用智能手机内置的传感器获取用户轨迹数据。然而,SmartSLAM只从结果数据集中构建走廊结构。而CrowdInside一方面需要沿着房间墙壁行走的大量轨迹数据以便得到较好的结果,另一方面,将房间构建成一种alpha形状(alpha shapes),而没有考虑室内建筑常识,如平行、矩形、重复等特征。

       文献【16】中提出的方法结合手机传感器和Wi-Fi指纹来学习走廊布局,以及区分不同的矩形房间。但对于精确重建室内结构(比如重复结构)的问题该方法也没有很好的解决。在人造建筑中,由于平行和矩形是最主要的规则,需要重建方法都是基于Manhattan World 约束【17】。另外还包括重复性或者建模更多一般约束。其中形式化语法(formal grammars)在多年前已经成功应用在了建模几何结构方面。但文献【18】仅集中在线性结构,比如通过 Lindenmayer-systems (Lsystems)仿真植物的生长。文献【5】和【6】验证了语法在重建街道路网和建筑外壳方面的有用性。在建模室内建筑方面,文献【19】提出了一种合适的分割语法,但没法应用在从不准确的观测数据进行重建方面。



Most approaches for indoor mapping build on different flavours of the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) principle, originating from robotics. Recently, also human-operated SLAM approaches have emerged which employ miniature laser scanners [13] , or the Microsoft Kinect [14]. Instead of using scanning techniques that require manual effort, the idea of using position traces, which may be acquired using low-cost ubiquitously available hardware, was proposed. Systems employing this data as the sole base for the reconstruction of building interiors are described in works like CrowdInside [2] , FootSLAM [3] and SmartSLAM [15]. FootSLAM-as in our approach, using a foot-mounted IMU reconstructs the building’s interior as a map of walkable areas, not distinguishing between hallways or rooms. Instead of being constrained to a dedicated external IMU, CrowdInside and SmartSLAM employ the set of sensors found in modern smartphones. However, SmartSLAM merely reconstructs hallway structures from the resulting data. CrowdInside, on the one hand, requires a large amount of traces following the room walls in order to function well and, on the other hand, reconstructs the rooms as alpha shapes, not taking knowledge about common features of interior architecture like parallelism, rectangularity, or repetition into account. Following the evaluation, CrowdInside needs 290 trace segments to fully reconstruct all corridor areas and the 12 rooms in the floor plan used in the testbed. The system presented in [16] uses a combination of smartphone sensors and WiFi fingerprints to learn hallway layouts as well as to distinguish different rectangular rooms. The authors state that the system needs only 20 data points per floor plan to converge, while delivering an average room position accuracy of 91 %, but a room area estimation error of 33% and a room aspect ratio error of 24%. The exact reconstruction of, e.g., repetitive structures is also not tackled by this approach. Due to parallelism and rectangularity being the most prominent rules used in man-made construction, many reconstruction approaches build on the Manhattan World constraints [17]. To further include, e.g., repetition or to model more general constraints, formal grammars have been applied successfully to the modeling of geometric structures for several years. While [18] focuses on line structures by, e.g., simulating growth processes of plants through Lindenmayer-systems (Lsystems), [5] and [6] proved the usability of grammars for the reconstruction of street networks and building shells. In terms of procedural modeling of building interiors, the authors of [19] present an appropriate split grammar, however, without the possibility of its use in the reconstruction from erroneous observation data.


Philipp D, Baier P, Dibak C, et al. Mapgenie: Grammar-Enhanced Indoor Map Construction From Crowd-Sourced Data[C]// Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2014 IEEE International Conference on2014:139 – 147.



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