How the running speed modulates the firing rate of the place cells?

McClain, Kathryn et al “Position–theta-phase model of hippocampal place cell activity applied to quantification of running speed modulation of firing rate.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019): 201912792. Web. 20 Dec. 2019.

“The hippocampus is heavily studied in the context of spatial navigation, and the format of spatial information in the hippocampus is multifaceted and complex. Furthermore, the hippocampus is also thought to contain information about other important aspects of behavior such as running speed, although there is not agreement on the nature and magnitude of their effect. To understand how all of these variables are simultaneously represented and used to guide behavior, a theoretical framework is needed that can be directly applied to the data we record. We present a model that captures well-established spatial-encoding features of hippocampal activity and provides the opportunity to identify and incorporate novel features for our collective understanding.”

Spiking activity of place cells in the hippocampus encodes the animal’s position as it moves through an environment. Within a cell’s place field, both the firing rate and the phase of spiking in the local theta oscillation contain spatial information. We propose a position–theta-phase (PTP) model that captures the simultaneous expression of the firing-rate code and theta-phase code in place cell spiking. This model parametrically characterizes place fields to compare across cells, time, and conditions; generates realistic place cell simulation data; and conceptualizes a framework for principled hypothesis testing to identify additional features of place cell activity. We use the PTP model to assess the effect of running speed in place cell data recorded from rats running on linear tracks. For the majority of place fields, we do not find evidence for speed modulation of the firing rate. For a small subset of place fields, we find firing rates significantly increase or decrease with speed. We use the PTP model to compare candidate mechanisms of speed modulation in significantly modulated fields and determine that speed acts as a gain control on the magnitude of firing rate. Our model provides a tool that connects rigorous analysis with a computational framework for understanding place cell activity.

McClain, Kathryn et al “Position–theta-phase model of hippocampal place cell activity applied to quantification of running speed modulation of firing rate.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019): 201912792. Web. 20 Dec. 2019.